So looking more into this antenna system and so far am really happy with it. Haven't actually used it yet though so take it for what it's worth.
Components seem to be really well made. The basic kit includes the following:
1. Hybrid-micro portable base
2. 60 feet kevlar/Teflon coated copper wire on spool
3. 10'8" military style collapsible whip (Easton tent poles)
4. Stainless jaw style antenna mount
5. Stainless dipole adapter
I also bought following options
6. 6'6" collapsible whip extension
7. Counterpoise kit 4-25' kevlar/Teflon coated wires on spools
TheThe hybrid micro is a broadband impedance matching transformer that enables system to operate from 1.8 to 54 KHZ without adjustment with a wide range antenna tuner. The MPAS is suitable for emergency preparedness and survival communication and can operate on 6 to 160 meters. System is designed to be both effective and highly portable.
HAM HF radio propagation occurs via ground waves (line of site from < 1 mile to as much as approx. 90 miles) (radio line of sight exceeds visual line of sight) or sky waves (from about 300 miles to about 2,500 miles). The MPAS system can be configured in a variety of ways to accommodate various transmission modes including:
1. "Manpack" vertical
2. Portable vertical
3. Horizontal NVIS (fills gap between ground and sky wave)
4. Sloping wire
5. Inverted V
6. Inverted L
7. Tilted NVIS
Each of the configurations have characteristics that makes them appropriate for Ground, Short (0-300 mile), Medium (300 - 1500 miles) or Long (greater than 1500 miles) communication in Unidirectional, Bidirectional or Omnidirectional radiation patterns.
The MPAS manual is available on Chamelons website and offers good information on radio propagation in general and specific applications for the MPAS system.
Hope to try out in coming weeks.
Components seem to be really well made. The basic kit includes the following:
1. Hybrid-micro portable base
2. 60 feet kevlar/Teflon coated copper wire on spool
3. 10'8" military style collapsible whip (Easton tent poles)
4. Stainless jaw style antenna mount
5. Stainless dipole adapter
I also bought following options
6. 6'6" collapsible whip extension
7. Counterpoise kit 4-25' kevlar/Teflon coated wires on spools
TheThe hybrid micro is a broadband impedance matching transformer that enables system to operate from 1.8 to 54 KHZ without adjustment with a wide range antenna tuner. The MPAS is suitable for emergency preparedness and survival communication and can operate on 6 to 160 meters. System is designed to be both effective and highly portable.
HAM HF radio propagation occurs via ground waves (line of site from < 1 mile to as much as approx. 90 miles) (radio line of sight exceeds visual line of sight) or sky waves (from about 300 miles to about 2,500 miles). The MPAS system can be configured in a variety of ways to accommodate various transmission modes including:
1. "Manpack" vertical
2. Portable vertical
3. Horizontal NVIS (fills gap between ground and sky wave)
4. Sloping wire
5. Inverted V
6. Inverted L
7. Tilted NVIS
Each of the configurations have characteristics that makes them appropriate for Ground, Short (0-300 mile), Medium (300 - 1500 miles) or Long (greater than 1500 miles) communication in Unidirectional, Bidirectional or Omnidirectional radiation patterns.
The MPAS manual is available on Chamelons website and offers good information on radio propagation in general and specific applications for the MPAS system.
Hope to try out in coming weeks.