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What to do with old deer antlers

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  • #16
    Hey! Nice to see you posting Bill.


    • #17
      Its hard to believe the Chinese ever get anything done! I mean, they must be walking around with perpetual hard on's, or is it hard's on, oh well either way, because their always grinding up some exotic body part to make a viagra like compound.


      • #18
        My father has shot a lot of deer in his lifetime. Big racks, does, and all between but the first deer I was ever present that he harvested was this little guy. He somewhat lost interest in hunting due to back problems and getting older once I started getting big into bow hunting. I got him out last year with me and he took him while 20 yards from me and I was able to watch the whole thing. I was able to drag the deer out for him like he helped drag my first deer. I threw a shelf together for some things in my dining room and attached the antlers on the ends.
        Attached Files


        • #19
          That's a really neat idea.
 I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
          Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
          Am I short stroking or going to fast?

          I know he has a bush


          • #20
            It was a nice little way to keep the antlers on display without just putting a little rack on the wall I figured. Plus I have been learning with the router so it was a fun little project.


            • #21


              • #22
                Originally posted by DEmerson View Post
                Nice wind blown deer call

