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  • #16
    Phew! For a minute there I thought just my posts got deleted. I thought ohhh come on man! not the hammock forum all over again. lol
    "I see Nuthhink..... I know nuthink!!!!!"

    I still have problems.


    • #17
      Happy Thanksgiving guys. Yeah, I'm a bit peeved at the service we received today from vBulletin. Not opposed to hosting on our own but not sure what that means in terms of 1. investment in hardware 2. investment in data line 3. technical requirements on back end and 4. servicing requirements on front and back end. At least with vBulletin we have access to a team of IT guys 24/7. Can't say the same if we take this on on our own. One thing I promise you we'll talk it through and work it out. Hope you all had a great day with your families. More to this than just the Interwebz. Growing pains.


      • #18
        I believe biggest thing in a switch to "self hosting" is finding someone with experience in the behind the scenes stuff. I bet someone here knows how of may be willing to teach me? Other then that its still hosted on someone else's server we just have more options in what we can do and don't get automatic updates which seems to cause problems but we can talk more later about it. I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
        Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
        Am I short stroking or going to fast?

        I know he has a bush


        • #19
          I know somebody with a weird spanish accent that would be perfect but we'd never be sure what he was posting was genius or madness. Fine line you know, lol.


          • #20
            Senior Titan? Lol
   I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
            Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
            Am I short stroking or going to fast?

            I know he has a bush


            • #21
              Tres Amigos. We ride!


              • #22
                Agagagagagag! Viva revolution!
                I bought my sons out of state.


                • #23
                  Tipical problema with the cloud share instances and the godaddies if the world. At sime point it is better to come down from the clouds to the earth and check reliable options. I am happy to assist. Lets set up a call next week. Andale andale!
                  It is a shame when people demanding tolerance, have no tolerance


                  • #24
                    Automatic updates are obviously a bad idea, as are any actions taken by your host unless you are Rackspace private-server kind of customer.
                    Best price shared services (with unlimited this and that) universally suck. At a minimum, you're going to want a well regarded vbulletin host judged by actual users.
                    You might want to consider URLjet. I have no experience with them, but they seem to have pretty good reviews.


                    • #25
                      I seem to have misplaced 11 inches somewhere. Anyone seen it? lol

                      I also see we lost the whole entire thread about what you do for work.
                      "I ask, Sir, what is dinner? It is the whole chicken. To pluck the chicken is the best and most effectual way to prepare them."
                      Colonel Sanders

                      That is a NICE looking bunch of meat!

                      I can still find a use for my thumb, even though it no longer has a hole to finger.

                      I could have been enjoying his nuts.


                      • #26
                        Work, drink, looking with. Cgrutt, maybe the dark angel medical review, apple peeler review
               I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
                        Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
                        Am I short stroking or going to fast?

                        I know he has a bush


                        • #27
                          There is no need to reinvent the black powder in the year 2014. It is a well known fact what works and what doesn't.
                          So no need to investigate what doesn't need investigation. shared instances in shared infrastructures are affordable but they are not reliable.
                          Vbulletin is popular but not the more popular nor the more stable yet it can be made pretty reliable doing some planning ahead of time.
                          The issue with forums is better to plan well ahead because if you are planning to grow and are serious you want to avoid migrations that can be complex
                          specially if one doesn't want to later impact the threads and users and unlike other web services migrations & upgrades that are a lot easier.
                          It is a shame when people demanding tolerance, have no tolerance


                          • #28
                            Some pages are loosing the reference nr. so the page nr. buttons or prev. next... do not work.
                            I suggest open a ticket and asking the administrator to rebuild the indexes to see if that fixes the problem. Lets see what they say.


                            Last edited by Meketrefe; 11-28-2014, 05:20 PM.
                            It is a shame when people demanding tolerance, have no tolerance


                            • #29
                              OK will do thanks!
                     I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
                              Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
                              Am I short stroking or going to fast?

                              I know he has a bush

