I've scene this before and its impressive but thinking about likely outcome for average citizen given mechanics involved and I'm not sure I'd attempt something like this.
Specifically (1) overhand grip turns barrel into your body/head not away from it (2) assuming finger is wrapped around trigger wouldn't strike to forearm cause pistol to be pulled away from hand and hooked trigger cause discharge (3) got to get it right first time or you'll likely be shot (4) assumes perp will hold gun outwards with one hand and body facing away (4) what if perp is left/right handed and you haven't trained for this.
Specifically (1) overhand grip turns barrel into your body/head not away from it (2) assuming finger is wrapped around trigger wouldn't strike to forearm cause pistol to be pulled away from hand and hooked trigger cause discharge (3) got to get it right first time or you'll likely be shot (4) assumes perp will hold gun outwards with one hand and body facing away (4) what if perp is left/right handed and you haven't trained for this.