Just thought I would share my story of obtaining my pistol permit in Monroe County. I first want to say that Monroe County still as far as my knowledge only gives out Concealed Carry Permits and not the "sportsman" licenses which are administrative only restrictions would could lead to revocation of permit if not followed but no charges since it is not against the actual law because there is no such thing as a sportsman license in the law.
Anyways I was issued my permit in Sept of 2009. I actually turned in my application in February I believe and immediately began researching the law to fight them when I read the packet of information that came with the application lol. Basically the law states they have 6 months to approve or deny your permit as long as a delay is not your fault (i.e. you forgot to get a reference to sign of or whatever). I knew that permits were not being done within that time frame and I actually submitted around the same time as someone else. I said that they should complain if they didn't get it in 6 months and they said it would cause a delay for complaining and I disagreed so we decided they would sit and wait until they got it and I would complain at 6 months to see who was right lol.
Well 6 months and a day came around and I began email county representatives and got nowhere so I called the state police (violating article 400 NYS penal law by anyone is a misdemeanor) and as soon as I mentioned pistol permit they cut me off and told me I had to talk to the Monroe County Sheriffs department investigators and transferred me over.
When I spoke to the Sheriff investigators they told me the 6 months started when it was turned into the Judge. I then asked then why did the law state it started when the application was turned into the appropriate authority and since I was only allowed to turn it into the county clerk wouldn't that make them the appropriate authority? The deputy then got on the defensive and asked why I needed it so bad and since he evaded my question I evaded his lol. Basically he told me my application was in the filing cabinet and they were still working on the applications turned in 2 months prior to my own.
About a week later the investigators starting calling my references and me which went well and approximately a month later I had my permit. I ended up getting my permit about a month and a half faster by complaining then the person who did nothing.
Since then I have heard that did get better and were issueing them within around 4 or 5 months but I believe they have gotten slow again but I can't confirm that.
Anyways I was issued my permit in Sept of 2009. I actually turned in my application in February I believe and immediately began researching the law to fight them when I read the packet of information that came with the application lol. Basically the law states they have 6 months to approve or deny your permit as long as a delay is not your fault (i.e. you forgot to get a reference to sign of or whatever). I knew that permits were not being done within that time frame and I actually submitted around the same time as someone else. I said that they should complain if they didn't get it in 6 months and they said it would cause a delay for complaining and I disagreed so we decided they would sit and wait until they got it and I would complain at 6 months to see who was right lol.
Well 6 months and a day came around and I began email county representatives and got nowhere so I called the state police (violating article 400 NYS penal law by anyone is a misdemeanor) and as soon as I mentioned pistol permit they cut me off and told me I had to talk to the Monroe County Sheriffs department investigators and transferred me over.
When I spoke to the Sheriff investigators they told me the 6 months started when it was turned into the Judge. I then asked then why did the law state it started when the application was turned into the appropriate authority and since I was only allowed to turn it into the county clerk wouldn't that make them the appropriate authority? The deputy then got on the defensive and asked why I needed it so bad and since he evaded my question I evaded his lol. Basically he told me my application was in the filing cabinet and they were still working on the applications turned in 2 months prior to my own.
About a week later the investigators starting calling my references and me which went well and approximately a month later I had my permit. I ended up getting my permit about a month and a half faster by complaining then the person who did nothing.
Since then I have heard that did get better and were issueing them within around 4 or 5 months but I believe they have gotten slow again but I can't confirm that.