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NYS Pistol Recertification

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  • NYS Pistol Recertification

    Apparently this was just posted up today

    Looks like January 31, 2018 deadline to submit recertification for all NYS pistol permit holders outside NYC, Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester counties that had permits issued prior to January 15, 2013.

  • #2
    NRA Life Member
    NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

    I was thinking of his cannon.


    • #3
      Paper and the last possible day to submit.



      • #4
        I'll file by mail within last week I have to. FUAC I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
        Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
        Am I short stroking or going to fast?

        I know he has a bush


        • #5
          I was chatting with Dave Jenkins of Rochester Personal Defense this evening, he was handing out an FAQ regarding this very subject at the CCW shoot tonight. He is trying to get an audience with the Monroe and several surrounding county clerks to see where they stand. Some interesting take-aways from what he has been told so far:

          "The NYSP will NOT be issuing a card (or any type of documentation) stating a permit holder has been recertified. The permit holder will receive a letter stating that their permit has been recertified but there is no legal requirement that the permit holder carry that letter on their person"

          "At the completion of the recertification cycle, the NYSP will send the licensing officer (in most cases the Judge signing your original permit) a list of people who are in their database that did not recertify. This aspect of the process is still being hashed out fully as there are different licensing officers and different processes in different counties."

          So, as it stands at this moment, Penal Law 400.10 (B)(b) states that "Failure to recertify shall act as revocation of such a license". The assumption by the NYSP is that the issuing judge will revoke your permit if you are on the "did not recertify" list. The big question is if you tell the NYSP to f uck off, who is going to come for your guns? (ALL of your guns, remember that the SAFE act states that if your permit is revoked you forfeit ALL of your guns....long guns too!). How they will know what you have for long guns is anybody's guess as they are not registered.

          I'm pretty sure the County Clerk will not be knocking on your door for your guns. I'd like to think that the local PD/County Sherrif/etc won't want to be wasting resources on oppressing law-abiding citizens either. So, what happens next?

          F uck you cuomo, you f ucking f uck!!!!
          Last edited by thughes; 01-03-2017, 07:30 PM.
          Beer is like porn, you can buy it but it's more fun to make your own

          I have to bend over too far

          I get a boner.

          bareback every couple of days, GTG. Bareback, brokeback, same $hit!

          I joined a support group to help me deal with my social anxiety but I just can't seem to work up the nerve to go to a meeting......


          • #6
            Originally posted by thughes View Post
            "At the completion of the recertification cycle, the NYSP will send the licensing officer (in most cases the Judge signing your original permit) a list of people who are in their database that did not recertify."
            Why would the NYSP need us to recertify if they've already got us in their database? If they're planning to send the issuing county a list of those who didn't comply that means they already have their database established. Right?

            WTF am I missing here?

            I can't fathom just how stupid these elected morons truly are.



            • #7
              Originally posted by masterswimmer View Post

              Why would the NYSP need us to recertify if they've already got us in their database? If they're planning to send the issuing county a list of those who didn't comply that means they already have their database established. Right?

              WTF am I missing here?

              I can't fathom just how stupid these elected morons truly are.

              Here is a thought.... Each county has their own database and all of them are probably outdated, I mean who knows how many are still valid, how many people still live in state or are still alive.

              So by doing this the state police can force each county to do the leg work on which permits should still be valid . Now the state will have an updated database with the counties doing a lot of the leg work.

              Also all the people who changed address but never said anything...... Wonder if they will be in big trouble.
     I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
              Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
              Am I short stroking or going to fast?

              I know he has a bush


              • #8
                Originally posted by usmcveteran View Post

                Here is a thought.... Each county has their own database and all of them are probably outdated, I mean who knows how many are still valid, how many people still live in state or are still alive.

                So by doing this the state police can force each county to do the leg work on which permits should still be valid . Now the state will have an updated database with the counties doing a lot of the leg work.

                Also all the people who changed address but never said anything...... Wonder if they will be in big trouble.

                So once again, penalize and castigate the law abiding, in hopes of catching a few errant 'ne'er do wells'.


                • #9
                  More like getting updated database to screw people with later
         I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
                  Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
                  Am I short stroking or going to fast?

                  I know he has a bush


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by usmcveteran View Post
                    More like getting updated database to screw people with later
                    Oh so true


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by usmcveteran View Post

                      Here is a thought.... Each county has their own database and all of them are probably outdated, I mean who knows how many are still valid, how many people still live in state or are still alive.

                      So by doing this the state police can force each county to do the leg work on which permits should still be valid . Now the state will have an updated database with the counties doing a lot of the leg work.

                      Also all the people who changed address but never said anything...... Wonder if they will be in big trouble.
                      This. I have a 75 year old uncle in NC that still has his originally issued NY permit from 1957.
                      Beer is like porn, you can buy it but it's more fun to make your own

                      I have to bend over too far

                      I get a boner.

                      bareback every couple of days, GTG. Bareback, brokeback, same $hit!

                      I joined a support group to help me deal with my social anxiety but I just can't seem to work up the nerve to go to a meeting......


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by masterswimmer View Post

                        Why would the NYSP need us to recertify if they've already got us in their database? If they're planning to send the issuing county a list of those who didn't comply that means they already have their database established. Right?

                        WTF am I missing here?

                        I can't fathom just how stupid these elected morons truly are.

                        NYS may have Data that you have a license but your recorded list of pistols is at the County level, Heck how many Counties still have this info in file cabinets? My County only started to upgrade less then 4 yrs ago when we got a new Sheriff.
                        NRA Life Member,NRA Instructor(Rifle/Pistol)RSO
                        SCOPE Member
                        Member Sara Spa Rod&Gun Club,Pine Tree Rifle Club

                        Working on another 2 month WIN!! Got 3 now trying for 4!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by masterswimmer View Post
                          Paper and the last possible day to submit.

                          FUAC FUAC FUAC FUAC
                          I'll be doing that. Multiple times. And I don't have a permit.
                          Old enough to know better, still too young to care


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by nortatoga View Post

                            NYS may have Data that you have a license but your recorded list of pistols is at the County level, Heck how many Counties still have this info in file cabinets? My County only started to upgrade less then 4 yrs ago when we got a new Sheriff.
                            That argument is only good for a point in time, the day you submit for your recert. The next day you can go buy any number of handguns and their database is already off kilter. And they haven't even entered your recert info yet!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by usmcveteran View Post
                              So by doing this the state police can force each county to do the leg work on which permits should still be valid . Now the state will have an updated database with the counties doing a lot of the leg work.
                              Not sure if Monroe county is an accurate representation of most counties, but they don't have a lot of extra manpower to handle this stuff, and the SAFE act didn't designate any funding to help accomplish such work.

                              A co-worker told me that some guy called in to Bob Lonsberry to say he had already completed the recertification process through the state website. This is all 3rd hand, but supposedly he said it was a super easy 5 minute process. Google isn't showing any results for a permit renewal website. I'm not seeing anything on the NYSP website along with all their other permit information. I haven't seen anyone post a web address from the pilot programs, or from having received a renewal notification from the NYSP. If such a site is up and running, why would the NYSP be hiding it? Why wouldn't it be search engine optimized and announced by every county clerk's office in the state?

                              I suspect shenaniguns are afoot.

                              NRA Life Member
                              NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

                              I was thinking of his cannon.

