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NYS Pistol Recertification

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  • #16
    Originally posted by WARFAB View Post
    If such a site is up and running, why would the NYSP be hiding it?
    They're not hiding it...


    • #17
      Originally posted by Cgrutt View Post
      OK, so they just suck at SEO then. Not so great at PR/advertising either.

      Any idea how to navigate to the renewal page from the NYSP home page?
      Last edited by WARFAB; 01-04-2017, 09:56 AM.
      NRA Life Member
      NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

      I was thinking of his cannon.


      • #18
        Originally posted by WARFAB View Post

        Any idea how to navigate to the renewal page from the NYSP home page?
        Sure just follow the simple directions below:

        Step 1: Go to

        Step 2: Spend five minutes perusing all the wonderful things that your tax dollars have bought you.

        Step 3: Leave computer and go to nearest window.

        Step 4: Open window and stick you head out.

        Step 5 Scream FUAC three times as loud as you can

        Step 6: Return to computer (leaving window open, you may need it later)

        Step 7: Go to

        Step 8: Navigate to post #16

        Step 9: Click

        Step 10: Return to Step 3, repeat.


        • #19
          Seriously, its

          Clicking "General Information" Tab and Selecting "Firearms" menu
          Brings you here
          Clicking "Online Certification" link brings you here


          • #20
            Silly me. I was using the top level navigation section named "services", which includes hunting and firearm license sections, but no link to the permit renewal page.
            Last edited by WARFAB; 01-04-2017, 10:50 AM.
            NRA Life Member
            NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

            I was thinking of his cannon.


            • #21
              Buddy just tried to do his, looks like a bunch of people are going to screwed over with this whole deal


              • #22
                The plain truth is that the SP already have a database containing all the permits issued in NY state. The problem is that the database is likely a mess, littered with invalid records (people that have died, moved out of state, been revoked, etc.). They don't want to manually do the work of reconciling every record in the database to weed out the junk (and if you think about, even reconciling against the county clerk's records will be of no use as the clerks don't keep track of which permit holders have died, moved, etc.). The only way to get a correct valid database (for a point it time, as MS pointed out) is to essentially have every single permit holder "report in person" (so to speak) and then purge all the records that nobody responded to.

                Seems to me the NYSP should be more concerned with catching criminals (like the ones wearing suits and sitting in the Capital building in Albany) and less concerned with uselessly hassling law-abiding citizens.
                Beer is like porn, you can buy it but it's more fun to make your own

                I have to bend over too far

                I get a boner.

                bareback every couple of days, GTG. Bareback, brokeback, same $hit!

                I joined a support group to help me deal with my social anxiety but I just can't seem to work up the nerve to go to a meeting......


                • #23
                  Originally posted by blackpowdershooter30 View Post
                  Buddy just tried to do his, looks like a bunch of people are going to screwed over with this whole deal
                  That ain't nuthin', just wait till January 31, 2018!


                  • #24
                    Luke, Chapter 2 Verses 1-3:

                    "In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus* that the whole world should be enrolled. This was the first enrollment, when Quirinius was governor of Syria. So all went to be enrolled, each to his own town."

                    Beer is like porn, you can buy it but it's more fun to make your own

                    I have to bend over too far

                    I get a boner.

                    bareback every couple of days, GTG. Bareback, brokeback, same $hit!

                    I joined a support group to help me deal with my social anxiety but I just can't seem to work up the nerve to go to a meeting......


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by thughes View Post
                      The plain truth is that the SP already have a database containing all the permits issued in NY state. The problem is that the database is likely a mess, littered with invalid records (people that have died, moved out of state, been revoked, etc.). They don't want to manually do the work of reconciling every record in the database to weed out the junk (and if you think about, even reconciling against the county clerk's records will be of no use as the clerks don't keep track of which permit holders have died, moved, etc.). The only way to get a correct valid database (for a point it time, as MS pointed out) is to essentially have every single permit holder "report in person" (so to speak) and then purge all the records that nobody responded to.

                      Seems to me the NYSP should be more concerned with catching criminals (like the ones wearing suits and sitting in the Capital building in Albany) and less concerned with uselessly hassling law-abiding citizens.
                      Ok so this seems pretty easy to screw them over, just have no one show up and their records will be purged


                      • #26
                        Wasn't sure which pistol re-cert thread to put this in.


                        State Police spokesman William Duffy said they’ve received 204,080 re-certifications so far. They are reviewing the county clerks letter but extending the deadline would be up to the Legislature, he said.

                        That, however, is a fraction of the estimated 1.25 million permits across the state, including the exempt downstate counties, said Tom King, president of the state Rifle and Pistol Association.

                        Part of the problem, King said, is it’s unclear how complete or up-to-date the current records are so it's difficult to gauge the level of compliance.

                        While the handgun licenses are renewed through the State Police, they will then send the data to county clerks who compare their records against the state's list for discrepancies.

                        County clerks have historically kept track of permits in their localities.

                        Many of the pre-2013 licenses, though, are in file folders or index cards in clerk’s offices so checking them could turn into an overwhelming task. “They don’t have the people or the money to do that,” King said.
                        This is interesting because my contact that used to work that the Monroe County Clerk's office said that pistol permit information collected and updated by the county clerks is all shared with the state. So my understanding is the state should have all of the information so they can cross check everyone's permit info themselves. Do they actually have the information but don't want to be bothered to do the work themselves, or do they not actually have the information?
                        NRA Life Member
                        NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

                        I was thinking of his cannon.


                        • #27
                          Another article on the matter. So far it looks like re-certs aren't going so well.

                          NRA Life Member
                          NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

                          I was thinking of his cannon.


                          • #28
                            When applying for this BS are you guys requesting the public records exemption? ....

                            Are you requesting to have information concerning your firearms license recertification exempt from public record? Yes
                            4. I have reason to believe that I may be subject to unwarranted harassment upon disclosure.

                            I am saying to prevent unwarranted harassment. That should be the standard most people
                            use right? I don't see a reason why anyone would not want to have rectification excluded from public records, do you?

                            It is a shame when people demanding tolerance, have no tolerance


                            • #29
                              Definitely requesting exemption. Specifically I don't want my address published by some overzealous reporter like they did in Westchester. My uncle's house was broken into because of that map. When they couldn't open safe they grabbed what they could and left.
                              Ok I can go a couple ways


                              • #30
                                Unsurprisingly, this is one of the most convoluted articles I've ever read.


                                Besides, law enforcement agencies across the state, including the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, have publicly expressed no interest in launching a mission to hunt down gun owners who neglected to recertify, whether through ignorance or defiance.

                                Local and state police have said and some police officials have gone so far as to say they’ll assume some uncertified holders they encounter didn’t know their obligation.

                                In fact, law enforcement won’t even know which gun owners haven’t recertified for months, if ever, because there’s no centralized system that tracks pistol permit holders.

                                “We won’t know for a very long time who failed to recertify,” Baxter said. “Then someone is going to have to remind those people they need to recertify. The last thing I’m going to be doing as sheriff is taking guns from people’s houses.”

                                To some extent, the recertification undertaking is a long overdue record-keeping exercise. The State Police has acknowledged its pistol permit records are incomplete.

                                By some estimates, there are 1.2 million to 1.5 million pistol permits in New York state. Yet the State Police sent recertification reminder letters last year to just 372,388 holders it had on file. As of last week, 262,114 had recertified, according to State Police.

                                Tracking those who failed to re-up would involve the herculean task of cross-referencing the tens of thousands of permits on file with clerks with death records and other evidence that the holder is alive and in New York.
                                So he's admitting this is just a pointless bureaucratic hoop that people need to jump through that won't actually do anything.

                                Should it come to that one day, and gun owners who failed to recertify have their licenses revoked and firearms taken away, so be it.

                                It would be no skin off the clean noses of millions of New Yorkers to have fewer unlicensed handguns floating around.
                                Hey asshat, the handguns wouldn't magically become unlicensed because the permit holders fail to recertify.

                                The clean-nose principle that has always applied to pistol permit holders still applies. The SAFE Act is the law. It’s been the law for five years.

                                The recertification process is an opportunity for pistol permit holders to prove they’re the law-abiding good guys with guns they claim to be.
                                So basically he's saying he supports a "guilty until proven innocent" policy that ignores the statistics showing that permit holders are pretty much the most law abiding demographic in the nation. He's essentially saying "Hey minority: prove you're a good person by riding in the back of the bus."
                                NRA Life Member
                                NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

                                I was thinking of his cannon.

