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  • Trump ARRESTED

    In NYC ....
    sic semper boogaloo

  • #2
    Technically he wasnt arrested, he turned himself in to face the indictment. This bs aint going nowhere. Next appearance in Dec??? This is just intended to be a thorn in his side thru the election season in case they cant cheat their way in 24. Come December they will get another long adjournment and ride it thru the election. I can only hope there are some repubs that have the balls to go after these commies in kind. But I aint holding my breath, they're all rinos.
    Riding bareback since 1989


    • #3
      An Appearance Ticket is an Arrest
      it does
      not have to be s Custodial Arrest to he classified as such.

      sic semper boogaloo


      • #4
        Kinda wish he'd just STFU and go away.......
        Beer is like porn, you can buy it but it's more fun to make your own

        I have to bend over too far

        I get a boner.

        bareback every couple of days, GTG. Bareback, brokeback, same $hit!

        I joined a support group to help me deal with my social anxiety but I just can't seem to work up the nerve to go to a meeting......


        • #5
          Bogus indictment that won't stand up in court.
          "I ask, Sir, what is dinner? It is the whole chicken. To pluck the chicken is the best and most effectual way to prepare them."
          Colonel Sanders

          That is a NICE looking bunch of meat!

          I can still find a use for my thumb, even though it no longer has a hole to finger.

          I could have been enjoying his nuts.


          • Norm DeGuerre
            Norm DeGuerre commented
            Editing a comment
            A wise person once said :

            " You might beat the rap, but not the Ride"

        • #6
          Originally posted by Pissed Off Patriot View Post
          Bogus indictment that won't stand up in court.
          The indictment already has stood up in court. The charges wont make it anywhere. He will never walk into court on this again, unless he chooses to.On the next and any future court dates his presence will be waived as they drag this thing out.
          Riding bareback since 1989


          • #7
            Originally posted by thughes View Post
            Kinda wish he'd just STFU and go away.......
            I was starting to feel the same, but watching him in Mara lago last night made me realize how alone he is in this battle. Everything he says about "deep state" and the corrupt swamp in DC is true, yet he is the only one challenging them, even the people we thought were in his camp while he was POTUS turned on him. He exposed so much corruption during his first term and absolutely nothing was done about any of it. I will vote for him again because he will be the lesser of two evils again, if they dont suicide him first. They've tried every angle to make him go away, I expect him to meet the same fate as the Kennedy's. This time the assassin wont be a commie like Oswald, it'll be a right wing nut, the ensuing riots will be met with a much different hand than the antifa,blm riots were. Its gonna get ugly.
            Riding bareback since 1989


            • Norm DeGuerre
              Norm DeGuerre commented
              Editing a comment
              Incredibly correct !!
              What kinda Accident do you think ??
              Prolly a Car Accident like Princess Diana. ????

          • #8
            Originally posted by stokes View Post

            I was starting to feel the same, but watching him in Mara lago last night made me realize how alone he is in this battle. Everything he says about "deep state" and the corrupt swamp in DC is true, yet he is the only one challenging them, even the people we thought were in his camp while he was POTUS turned on him. He exposed so much corruption during his first term and absolutely nothing was done about any of it. I will vote for him again because he will be the lesser of two evils again, if they dont suicide him first. They've tried every angle to make him go away, I expect him to meet the same fate as the Kennedy's. This time the assassin wont be a commie like Oswald, it'll be a right wing nut, the ensuing riots will be met with a much different hand than the antifa,blm riots were. Its gonna get ugly.
            If he just wasn't such a douche nozzle. I get it, but I really wish he could quash that ego and fight the swamp battle like an adult.
            Beer is like porn, you can buy it but it's more fun to make your own

            I have to bend over too far

            I get a boner.

            bareback every couple of days, GTG. Bareback, brokeback, same $hit!

            I joined a support group to help me deal with my social anxiety but I just can't seem to work up the nerve to go to a meeting......


            • Norm DeGuerre
              Norm DeGuerre commented
              Editing a comment
              The egotism is from success. ...
              I would swap lives any day. ????

          • #9
            Originally posted by thughes View Post

            If he just wasn't such a douche nozzle. I get it, but I really wish he could quash that ego and fight the swamp battle like an adult.
            For a while I found his "douche nozzleness" to be amusing, he would say such off the wall things just to watch the libtard heads explode. Once I realized that his fight was gonna lead nowhere, the amusement faded. He did fight the good fight, but he had no backing and was left swinging in the breeze at every turn. The swamp in DC is too deep and the deep state has been embedded in Washington for too long. They seem to have a death grip control over everybody that enters national politics except Trump.
            Riding bareback since 1989


            • #10
              Originally posted by stokes View Post
              The indictment already has stood up in court. The charges wont make it anywhere.
              That is what I meant.
              "I ask, Sir, what is dinner? It is the whole chicken. To pluck the chicken is the best and most effectual way to prepare them."
              Colonel Sanders

              That is a NICE looking bunch of meat!

              I can still find a use for my thumb, even though it no longer has a hole to finger.

              I could have been enjoying his nuts.

