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NYS may add abortion protections under state constitution

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  • NYS may add abortion protections under state constitution

    I have a question out of curiosity....... So if abortion becomes a right in even the state constitution then that would mean you still can't get an abortion for any reason right?

    I ask because the 2nd amendment which is also in the state constitution is severely restricted and they say the right isn't absolute.

    If that's the case I'm curious what abortion restrictions would happen or if this right would be considered absolute. I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
    Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
    Am I short stroking or going to fast?

    I know he has a bush

  • #2
    Political clout will ensure absoluteness
    planned Parenthood is an evil organization There is a revolting video on line, undercover
    Of haggling over the price of baby parts
    $$ for an Arm
    $$$ the r a head etc


    • WARFAB
      WARFAB commented
      Editing a comment
      The rumor is Project Veritas has a lot of very attractive women working undercover for them.