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How to hide stuff?

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  • How to hide stuff?

    What is the best way to hide stuff?

    Here Are some things I have read about.

    Spray paint bars of gold and silver to use as door stops.

    Make fake pvc pipes to conceal items.

    Another ingenious way is if your hiding something a metal detector can pick up in yard your best is to bury a bunch of nails and other metallic items. That way it's impossible to pick up certain items. I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
    Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
    Am I short stroking or going to fast?

    I know he has a bush

  • #2
    Behind a closet or stairwell, this works if you are smart enough to conceal the opening even if someone looks close. A closet opening can be concealed behind the clothes that hang there a drawer that slides out with the clothes still attached to a bar cut short but that blends in with the other bar the roller mechanism cannot be rolling on the floor out there will be tracks on the floor that will give away your hiding spot.


    • #3
      I always liked empty paint cans and other covert containers, faux shaving cream etc. in the wall between studs gun safes, even behind the Sheetrock if it's that important but sometimes the obvious is the best hiding places.
      I'm confused!!!!!


      • #4
        That good for small stuff. I am thinking more of hiding children and weapons, the tough part is keeping it a secret....


        • #5
          A woman's purse, you can stash Peshitta she can't even find.
          I'm no proctologist, but I know an azzhole when I see one!!


          • #6
            These guys make some REALLY cool Peshitta. Expensive stuff, but seems to be super high quality.
            Tactical Walls sells home defense concealment systems like shelves and wall units which are safe to hide your gun in.
            Sticky Lips at High Noon!


            • #7
              Well we seemed to have done a pretty good job hiding the forum! Nobody can find us, ha, ha...


              • #8
                I try to hide the sausage as much as possible.

                On a more serious note, this is a great topic. I'm guessing that with negative interest rates just around the corner, we'll all be hiding cash in the near future.
                Athiest. Because... science


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BigJohnH View Post
                  That good for small stuff. I am thinking more of hiding children and weapons, the tough part is keeping it a secret....
                  This made me think of one of my favorite things the internet has ever brought us. Perhaps Mr. Antoine Dotson can help:
                  “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”
                  ― Benjamin Franklin


                  • #10
                    Don't forget about this. . Heck once we with 300 members ( were at 192 I think) I'll make one and karma it off! Just let me know when we hit that mark lol
           I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
                    Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
                    Am I short stroking or going to fast?

                    I know he has a bush


                    • #11
                      False walls with plumbing, electrical, etc.. is a good way. Nobody will suspect it is there.
                      The other buried on an undisclosed location.
                      It is a shame when people demanding tolerance, have no tolerance


                      • #12
                        I think the first question is hiding indoors or outdoors.

                        Indoors- false walls are great but a lot of work to do right. Hiding small stuff in plain sight is good but is easy to lose track of what is where. An attached "bunker/room" is bad ass but expensive to pull off well. Other ideas is heating ducts. Put stuff around the bend in vacuum sealed bag with fishing line attached to where you can get to it. If you attic has blown in insulation you wan hide it under the insulation in a sealed bag.

                        Outdoors- there are bunkers that are cool. There is PVC caches buried vertically which is hard to detect with a metal detector. This is also makes them easy too lose yourself. There are camaflauge caches these can be above ground or a combo of above/below ground. I've seen these don't with old oil tanks that have been parged. There is also buried caches that are made out of the reinforced water tanks. They are usually yellow and ribbed.
                        Semper Fi


                        • #13
                          A false back on a closet works good, a false block wall on a steel rail system with a hydraulic ram to open or close it works good.


                          • #14
                            Just leave it under the Sunday paper!! LOL!!!
                            NRA Life Member,NRA Instructor(Rifle/Pistol)RSO
                            SCOPE Member
                            Member Sara Spa Rod&Gun Club,Pine Tree Rifle Club

                            Working on another 2 month WIN!! Got 3 now trying for 4!!

