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Any Rochester area members with ham radios?

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  • #31
    So...did anyone agree to a common repeater and a time?

    I shall put for th the recommendation of 2m....The repeater in Bristol has been know to hit as far as Charlotte....


    • #32
      Family is asking about Christmas gift ideas and I was thinking I could put a radio on the list.

      Is this an updated/better version of USMC's original recommendation?

      If anyone has any better suggestions let me know.
      NRA Life Member
      NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

      I was thinking of his cannon.


      • #33
        finally getting around to getting into this, got a beofang to start so going to try getting some channels programmed into it this weekend.


        • #34
          Originally posted by big flash View Post
          finally getting around to getting into this, got a beofang to start so going to try getting some channels programmed into it this weekend.
          Which model did you buy?
          NRA Life Member
          NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

          I was thinking of his cannon.


          • #35
            Originally posted by big flash View Post
            finally getting around to getting into this, got a beofang to start so going to try getting some channels programmed into it this weekend.
            Did you get the programming cable? It's been a while but last I knew you can download free software called chirp and set up program of frequencies there then download it into radio. I also programmed in all the repeaters for this area and ones along the way to where I would go if I bugged out.
   I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
            Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
            Am I short stroking or going to fast?

            I know he has a bush


            • #36
              got a BF-888S as a gift (thanks bro! actually have 2 in my possession to configure, one for my pops and one for myself) and have a UV-5R coming but that could still be a couple weeks (if ever). plan to "sync" a handful though so we can all communicate. at least those of us in the greater western ny area.

              Yes usmcveteran I got a cable too and downloaded chirp. It looks like the bf-888S came pre-programmed with FRS & GMRS channels. It doesn't have a screen, so there wasn't a way to see the frequencies set until I loaded them on chirp. he's a clip of what it came pre-loaded with anyway. i should be able to assign 15 frequencies with slot 16 working as a scan.

              stock frequencies.jpg

              keeping a couple of these channels doesn't seem like a bad idea but i'd like to load 'em up with an NOAA frequency and some HAM frequencies that we can use in an emergency. that seems to make sense, right?


              • #37
       just went down. Whether it was excessive traffic due to the inauguration, or intentionally shut down due to the inauguration, I'm guessing how it will likely be interpreted.

                Portable radios keep looking like a better and better buy.
                NRA Life Member
                NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

                I was thinking of his cannon.


                • #38
                  Got my HF radio back on the air last night. Still have to play around and make minor tweaks I think but I'm able to hear people so that's a good start lol. Once I get all my settings and everything worked out I'll probably start transmitting.
         I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
                  Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
                  Am I short stroking or going to fast?

                  I know he has a bush


                  • #39
                    I guess today was winter field day. I learned that I need to work on antenna, when I tuned it my radio said it would only use 3 watts of power. Just need to adjust length a bit I think but I was still able to make contact with someone in kansas and someone in montana in about 10 minutes.
           I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
                    Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
                    Am I short stroking or going to fast?

                    I know he has a bush


                    • #40
                      big flash I'm not sure if you go camping a lot or not but if you frequent an area might not be bad idea to program in frequency for search and rescue.
             I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
                      Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
                      Am I short stroking or going to fast?

                      I know he has a bush


                    • #41
                      Speaking of HAM radios, take a look at what's going on with internet traffic during a coup....

                      NRA Life Member
                      NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

                      I was thinking of his cannon.


                      • #42
                        I was actually just watching a spy show on netflix where they talk about trade craft and gadgets and what not. They brought up how in last 10 to 20 years russia actually had hackers stop internet, government, news, etc in a small european country. ATMs didn't work, computers didn't work.

               I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
                        Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
                        Am I short stroking or going to fast?

                        I know he has a bush


                        • #43
                          I'm suddenly feeling like I need to take another look at this thread.
                          NRA Life Member
                          NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

                          I was thinking of his cannon.


                          • #44
                            Yeah i got some beofang's and got chirp (all above in post #36) going but never loaded them with anything of value. what other frequencies should i put on them? anyone have any suggestions?
                            I can load in 4 new ones without even screwing with the default out of the box ones.


                            • #45
                              I have local repeaters, all noaa channels, frs and gmrs
                     I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
                              Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
                              Am I short stroking or going to fast?

                              I know he has a bush

