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Bug out / Bug in considerations?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by WARFAB View Post
    Interesting point. On the one hand I think an EMP would cause things to fall apart faster than other possible scenarios. But, if everyone's cars are toasted they're not going to be traveling as far to steal supplies and create chaos.
    that's what i was kind of thinking. either get out immediately before everyone knows what is even going on, or wait it out a little bit before exiting. i don't know. just getting everyone home after an emp will be tough (and important) enough.

    Originally posted by WARFAB View Post
    Worst case scenario: load the kids into the bike trailer and make the trek down the canal path to backup location A.
    yeah, bike trailer is pretty clutch for that scenario. i was stoked when my wife was up for getting one as i was thinking about it being great for bugging out without cars lol
    i'm not going to get rid of it when the munchkin is too big for it either


    • #17
      One of the things I was reading said that you need a rally point in the event the family is separated when something happens. One suggestion was that if you have children in school an option is the school. I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
      Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
      Am I short stroking or going to fast?

      I know he has a bush


      • #18
        Originally posted by usmcveteran View Post
        One of the things I was reading said that you need a rally point in the event the family is separated when something happens. One suggestion was that if you have children in school an option is the school.
        exactly what we do. even though it's out of the way for both of us parents, it gets us together the soonest in theory too. and it's much easier dealing with the child(ren) with more than one adult present for the next steps.


        • #19
          My oldest Daughter knows a code on her phone means get to your little sister and wait by the main exit I will be there! In the case of a power/ emp failure ie phone doesn't work do the same thing.


          • #20
            So last week's storm has me contemplating exactly how vacating the house in a SHTF scenario would go.

            A friend lost power and had power lines down in front of his house and along the street. They told him they shouldn't be staying in the house and only allowed access to gather a few things and drain the water from all the pipes. My friend seemed surprisingly comfortable with this and headed to Buffalo to stay with family for the weekend. It went against every fiber of my being to watch him do this. I think I was more stressed about it than he was. I repeatedly offered to drive my generator over to his house to get the place warmed up. He refused all my offers. I just couldn't believe he was willing to leave and risk all kinds of headaches with frozen pipes and other problems.

            In the end, it appears as though everything worked out OK for them. They are back up and running and will be paying their $1000 insurance deductible for the variety of people they hired to get the house up and running again. The experience got me thinking about this discussion though. Suddenly I'm not sure what it would take for me to abandon my house. In certain situations I believe it would totally make sense to do so, but I'm guessing it won't come easily for me. Would I be able to make the appropriate decision for the safety of my family if the time came? Would I wait to long? Would be able to stick it out and defend the house better than I figure?
            NRA Life Member
            NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

            I was thinking of his cannon.


            • #21
              I "buggin-in"
              got sum big azz genset, 9kw
              got a 500 gal diesel tank
              got sum diesel Mercedes 190D ... no EMP problem here, baby ..
              got lotsa Lead, with accelerant
              don't got many neighbors, but they are of the same mindset

              I think I'm set
              sic semper boogaloo


              • #22
                To old to make a run for it and don't really have anywhere to go anyways. I'll bug-in for as long as I can. Only place I might head for is a friends farm a mile away. Good clear kill zone around house if needed. Problem is they don't prepare for anything. They think I'm parinoid and scared.
                She wants to be your belly gun


                • #23
                  Originally posted by gtnorry View Post
                  To old to make a run for it and don't really have anywhere to go anyways. I'll bug-in for as long as I can. Only place I might head for is a friends farm a mile away. Good clear kill zone around house if needed. Problem is they don't prepare for anything. They think I'm parinoid and scared.
                  You and your glocks are welcome at the casa de stinko el pinko.
                  Athiest. Because... science


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by 24Pink14Stink View Post

                    You and your glocks are welcome at the casa de stinko el pinko.
                    She wants to be your belly gun

