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Simplex repeater

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  • Simplex repeater

    A simplex repeater for amateur radio simplex records and repeats a message on the same frequency. This can be good to communicate over a hill or mountain using local communications.

    The unit linked here can be programmed to send out a message over and over. The only thing you need is to connect it to an inexpensive radio and power supply. I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
    Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
    Am I short stroking or going to fast?

    I know he has a bush

  • #2
    What about setting one up at your own site? Will it help other HAMs in local area communicate longer distances? What is the typical range on those inexpensive UHF/VHF handhelds assuming no repeater anyway?


    • #3
      You have simplex and duplex repeaters. The simplex one records your message then replays it. A duplex repeater repeats your message on different frequency. So you can talk and others listen. That's why you will see an offset mentioned
      ​​​​​when programming radio.

      The range on inexpensive handheld will be pretty much same as more expensive ones and all depends on terrain around you.

      So in perfect conditions with no obstructions I believe it should make it just over horizon but you will probably never have those perfect conditions. I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
      Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
      Am I short stroking or going to fast?

      I know he has a bush

