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No more boycott?

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  • No more boycott?

    I was reading an old thread on "that" forum about an organized hunting boycott while the SAFE act was being passed. Seemed to cause alot of controversy.
    Looks like they're all hunting again now. Short memories? Looks like the criminal in charge, andy, didn't feel the monetary effect.

  • #2
    I wonder if there are any numbers showing number of hunters for given years I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
    Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
    Am I short stroking or going to fast?

    I know he has a bush


    • #3
      I'd never heard of such a boycott...but here are the most recent stats...

      I dropped a line to my DEC contact to see if there are more recent numbers available, but I doubt it.


      • #4
        Originally posted by usmcveteran View Post
        I wonder if there are any numbers showing number of hunters for given years
        Since the UNSAFE Act, the number of licenses sold has declined. Numbers I've heard thus far are WAY down from even lastyear. DEC is now wondering how THEY will control the deer population since NY'ers have given the ole middle finger to the state and it's agencies. LOL The state's "improved licensing system" is a MAJOR factor because they are trying to link it all to DMV so if you buy a hunting license, it's recorded at DMV and when you get pulled over or your license is run, it shows you are a gun owner. The licensing system is down more than it's running. Saratoga Tackle had enough of the 20 minute license issuing times two years ago so ..... I'd say the boycott is still on and going strong. You'll see people talking about hunting ... doesn't mean that they bought a license. I've heard more people in the shop flat out say they won't buy a license because they're tired of making trips to the town clerk's office or Wally World or Dinks all to find that the system is down. The state I think has done more for the decline in license sales than any boycott, but the boycott definitely had an impact.

        Oh ... we had one guy come in and say he got stopped by DEC. They asked for his hunting license and he said he didn't have one. He explained he had tried to buy one, but the system wasn't working all 5 times he tried to get one, so he gave up trying. The DEC officer told him to stay there while he made a phone call. When he got off the phone he informed the hunter that he just inquired about the status of the system and ... it was down then as well so he couldn't even suggest the man go get a license. According to the man whom told this story, the DEC officer just said "I give up!! Listen, have a nice day and good luck hunting. I'm not going to do anything about this. I can't enforce a law when the chance to even GET a license is not being provided!".

        Walmart in Saratoga is ending the sale of all licenses in 2016. That there tells a pretty good story in itself!! This "state licensing system" has pissed off "the fudds" as they're called.
        Last edited by Chicken Shoot; 10-19-2015, 01:19 AM.

        I now have a towel head asking if I wanna see his "talibaner"!


        • #5
          I bought my online, I got my two requested DMP's and it showed in less time than stated.

          If they were serious about population control they would get rid of the DMP money grab.


          • #6
            Prior to 2 years ago I bought the super sportsman license and spent over a hundred dollars, I did not purchase a license the last two years as my way of saying FUAC, NYS and the FUDS. This yeas I got the basic big game license for twenty something dollars and have to go back after November 1 for my DMP tags for ten bucks, I'm completely out of venison and am in it this year just for the meat. Partial boycott???
            I'm confused!!!!!

