Sounds like snow flurries and hard frost for tomorrow morning in the Adirondacks. Good luck to all and be safe. Kind of an oxymoron as we're safer out there than walking around most big cities. Think about it, everyone is carrying a gun yet no violence, huh, who da think it.
No announcement yet.
good luck Black Powder
I'm up here now..... Better have I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
Am I short stroking or going to fast?
I know he has a bush
Nothing yet, we did deer drives all weekend, caught a glimpse of a buck but the wind was wrong for the watch line and he knows his home territory better than us.
I used my new Garmin Rino 650, a good upgrade from the 530Hcx, did 7.63 miles on Saturday, hurt real bad. 4.1 miles on SundayI must say I love beavers.