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New Year's Lasagne

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  • #16
    I'll post some wisdom from my Mom, who happens to be one of the best damn Chef's on the planet IMHO.

    "Whenever you try a new recipe, try it in a SMALL batch First! That way you won't ruin a lot of food if it turns out awful!"

    My Mom is 5' 1", 105lbs Soaking Wet, can become invisible if she stands behind any of her three sons, and has been cooking for every possible community entity from Churches to Boy Scouts to 4H to hundreds of other organizations. She (even at 72 Years Old) has a metabolism that defys physics as she can chow with the best of them and not gain a pound!

    I grew up being the guinea pig for Mom's newest recipes (as did my two brothers), and she could take any recipe that sucked, and adjust it to make it awesome in short order. When I helped my parents move out of NYS to South Carolina, we had to move all of my Mom's recipe books. Which were over FIVE THOUSAND in quantity! I know for certain that box truck on that load was WAY over weight headed down to their new house! LOL

    FYI... My Mom still works full time as a Chef and has cooked for some pretty high profile people and celebrities over the years. From Basketball Teams, Celebrities, and Politicians that had scheduled huge Gala Events at the Hotel she works at. She can pickup a 150lb bag of flour and throw it around as well as her 5' 10" 280lb youngest Son. She can also shoot a sub five inch group with her .357 Airlite at 15 Yards!

    Ask my Mom today if she was glad she had three sons vs. three daughters, and her reply is Oh God Yes! LOL
    NRA Life Member


    • #17
      That WAS a small batch, lol...

      Anyway, it would have been awesome if I let it cook longer.


      • #18
        That is what happens for not cooking with glocks. LOL
        It is a shame when people demanding tolerance, have no tolerance


        • #19
          I love the Glock pot, ha, ha...


          • #20
            Fortunately for me, my eyes are bigger than my stomach and I do taste with my eyes before my palate. CG, it looks amazing.


            • #21
              Ewwww that foods from last year!!

