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Another "upgrade" 8/27 2:35 pm EST

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  • #16
    I don't know, something about apples, LOL...


    • #17
      LOL, zed is dead just like that thread....


      • #18
        Originally posted by Pissed Off Patriot View Post
        I keep meaning to visit "over yonder", but just haven't gotten to it lately. What did I miss? lol
        Wrong thread..

        Now enough about over yonder! 86ed, capute, finito.



        • #19
          Originally posted by Cgrutt View Post
          OK, OK, all gripes about "over yonder" belong here

          Deleted whatever it was you posted over yonder. Dead link. Surprise surprise surprise!


          • #20
            Screen shots guys get screen shots or it didn't happen lol!
   I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
            Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
            Am I short stroking or going to fast?

            I know he has a bush


            • #21
              Oh **** it, I guess they don't want to know what ails them over yonder so go ahead and post it up here LMFAO....


              • #22
                $10 says it was Hex that deleted it, he, he....


                • #23
                  Originally posted by usmcveteran View Post
                  Screen shots guys get screen shots or it didn't happen lol!
                  You were saying? lol

                  "I ask, Sir, what is dinner? It is the whole chicken. To pluck the chicken is the best and most effectual way to prepare them."
                  Colonel Sanders

                  That is a NICE looking bunch of meat!

                  I can still find a use for my thumb, even though it no longer has a hole to finger.

                  I could have been enjoying his nuts.


                  • #24
                    I have to double check that we were in fact upgraded today but we are still here! d
           I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
                    Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
                    Am I short stroking or going to fast?

                    I know he has a bush


                    • #25
                      Did everything survive??


                      • #26
                        Hmmm... I dunno.

                        Pages are having trouble loading on my android phone. Posting too.
                        "I ask, Sir, what is dinner? It is the whole chicken. To pluck the chicken is the best and most effectual way to prepare them."
                        Colonel Sanders

                        That is a NICE looking bunch of meat!

                        I can still find a use for my thumb, even though it no longer has a hole to finger.

                        I could have been enjoying his nuts.


                        • #27
                          And my last comment here isn't showing up in the proper thread location, but it shows up when I click on the thread and it shows as being in the "articles" section.
                          "I ask, Sir, what is dinner? It is the whole chicken. To pluck the chicken is the best and most effectual way to prepare them."
                          Colonel Sanders

                          That is a NICE looking bunch of meat!

                          I can still find a use for my thumb, even though it no longer has a hole to finger.

                          I could have been enjoying his nuts.


                          • #28
                            Its running slow for me too. House rules section is being redirected again. Put in another ticket. Let me know if you have any other problems.

                            On bright side it looks like last post is back again. Never understood why they removed that to begin with.


                            • #29
                              Awesome Update!! (Sorta) at least I got back "last post at.." On iPhone!! Yay!! As for the thread I'm tryin to post in not being normal..I ain't gonna cry bout that cause it'll get fixed. I'm just happy I can tell when a post was and not just the little arrow that didn't tell you nothing about when the last post happened. Wooo2thehoooo


                              • #30
                                This got converted to an article Lmao that'd why posting is weird.
                       I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
                                Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
                                Am I short stroking or going to fast?

                                I know he has a bush

