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    USMC, I'm at about the end of my string on this crap. I log in and can't post for a day, if then! because if I have to log in again, its another day. WTF, I don't get it!

  • #2
    I don't get it either. Has this happened before or just started happing? Anybody else having this problem? I'm not aware of anybody doing this as a mod it shouldn't happen and I apologize for inconvenience. Will send in a service ticket if you can describe the problem with specifics would be helpful to resolve problem.


    • #3
      I haven't had any log in issues, laptop or android.


      • #4
        I haven't had any issues with log on. The weird one I've had every so often is when there are 4 pages in the thread and I'm on page 3 and click next, it won't go to page 4.
        "I see Nuthhink..... I know nuthink!!!!!"

        I still have problems.


        • #5
          I haven't had any problems
          Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?

          I will continue to flash cops


          • #6
            No problems here from my laptop or my droid phone.
            "I ask, Sir, what is dinner? It is the whole chicken. To pluck the chicken is the best and most effectual way to prepare them."
            Colonel Sanders

            That is a NICE looking bunch of meat!

            I can still find a use for my thumb, even though it no longer has a hole to finger.

            I could have been enjoying his nuts.


            • #7
              No problems here either, like I suggested before I would try to clear cache, if coming back to old page you have not been active on for a while refresh page before trying to post because the website might not see you anymore. Other then that I would suggest different browser or see if you have some plugins or programs that need to be updated. Also try restarting device.
     I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
              Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
              Am I short stroking or going to fast?

              I know he has a bush


              • #8
                Last resort just get the **** outta here and quit your whinning you big baby...



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Robin'son View Post
                  USMC, I'm at about the end of my string on this crap. I log in and can't post for a day, if then! because if I have to log in again, its another day. WTF, I don't get it!
                  Is it an apple product you have issues on by chance?? I was having Peshilta like that happen too, maaaaad frustrating, infact one of the reasons I had to disappear for a tad..the issues and problems, write and post things that go bye bye to the land of NSA but nowhere on the forum and the overall vBulletin crap was seriously pissing me off..but I use mainly ipad or iPhone so just curious if thats what your on, cause many of the responses that aren't having problems were android peeps.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by FinalWinchester View Post
                    I haven't had any problems
                    Forgot to mention I'm on a windows phone mostly
                    Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?

                    I will continue to flash cops


                    • #11
                      Already described it to USMCV in the best way I know how. Been going on for weeks and knowing you were having some problems, let it go. All righty then, see ya!


                      • #12
                        Another good one lost to vBulletin! Sucks.
                        I bought my sons out of state.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Robin'son View Post
                          Already described it to USMCV in the best way I know how. Been going on for weeks and knowing you were having some problems, let it go. All righty then, see ya!
                          Oh come on the /jk is end joke ha ha...


                          • #14
                            All clear on my end


                            • #15
                              Fat fingers? All good here.
                              I must say I love beavers.

