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NY-Shenanigun Logo Suggestions

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  • Originally posted by PY-Tactical View Post

    If decided to go with this I can slightly enlarge/elongate the banner to make it easier to read.

    I would also make the EST font smaller. No need to make that so prominent. The Roman numerals are fine, just the EST.

    Seriously, this logo is top notch. I'm really liking it.


    • I agree with you on the "est" don't like it either but I know what to do to fix it.


      • Looking sweet so far. Nice job everyone
        They can't stop us let them try. For heavy metal we will die!!!

        Snowflakes are great!!! You can roll them around into a giant mass and shove a carrot in their ........


        • What do you guys thinl about typeface on top of Logo? I have to redo in Vector to sharpen.
          Keep plain or go with something more like below?


          • I like the beat up stencil look. The "M" is poorly designed but there is more that once font like this available.


            • I just noticed something with the logo. Not sure if it's intentional or not but the pistol on the right side has white inside the trigger guard. It's over part of the state so shouldn't it be black? It just caught my eye. If that's intentional cool deal! Just wanted to let you guys know.
              I could be's happened before and it'll happen again.


              • What is the shadowy character that you can see in the middle of the logo? Almost like Cousin it lurking in the middle of the state. I like it.


                • The logo would look pretty slick all extruded in 3D space and made to look like it was etched in stone or metal I could make that happen if you want.
                  I could be's happened before and it'll happen again.


                  • It's a work in progress. Was a semi-rough design to see if it would work out. If agreed to will be redone and more finished.
                    Right now, finished it isn't and is more cut and paste than I'd like it to be.


                    • Are you using Illustrator PY?
                      I could be's happened before and it'll happen again.


                      • So about this logo...

                        First of all, I LOVE IT! Thanks again PY!

                        But I can't read it, lol.. The Guns, Mischief, Mayhem on the bottom.

                        Is it just my old eyes?

                        How do we get it super crisp?

                        I'd also like to get it to the point where I can get some schwag (embroidered hats, etc.)

                        PY or Jim any suggestions?

                        BTW, Jim same offer to you as PY. If you want a place to post your business let me know. No cost or obligation.



                        • Chris it's fuzzy because it was initially done as a bitmap. Remember we were just going to put up to see if it was liked. Can I assume we are using it then I will redraw as a vector graphic, which will be stay sharp when enlarged and reduced. Need a couple of days to get it done.

                          Changes I want to make:
                          1. Change "NYSHENANIGUNS" font and maybe move the " .com" to a bubble centered below it
                          2. Change font on "est" to more deco looking and smaller
                          3. Clean up the pistols increase line weight.
                          4. Redraw ribbon banner at bottom, stretching it so larger, placing "guns" at center and lengthening each side for "mischief" and "mayhem" curving the text.

                          Again would all be done in vector so will stay sharp,

                          Is there any color you would want incorporated into it?
                          Two colors would be black or dark blue base color plus one other, which right now is white.
                          Any other changes?

                          Last edited by PY-Tactical; 11-07-2014, 12:06 AM.


                          • Awesome! The only color change I had in mind would be the banner at bottom, making goldish? Not sure if that works though. I'm looking for something that can be reproduced (and you'd be happy to wear on your head or chest, lol) As always, open canvas bro. Appreciate your help.


                            • I really do like the logo but if I can make a suggestion,I think it would be nicer if the forum had a banner style vs just a logo,.what I mean is if you use the logo that is being used now and left in the top left corner and added another logo to the right side,I think it would give the forum a nicer look.Or if you can add something to the right of the logo going towards the right side it would give the sight a better look..

                              I also like the idea that Jimbo mention maybe some 3D text would be nice to add to it..

                              I wish I could help out more on this but I am just starting to dabble in PS Thanks to Jimbo,Chris and sswilliams,by the time I do learn PS I will be a really old man,lol

                              I could probably could get away with a 52 inch shaft but if I could get a 54 inch shaft that would be great as I could always adjust the length of the shaft


                              • agree that the banner at the bottom should be bigger for readability, and that a different color would look better.

                                Still a lot of empty real estate at the top of the page though. Where are we with the idea of expanding the existing logo to include something else to make it more of a banner style, or is that going to be the "Guns, Mischief, Mayhem" banner made bigger?

                                Edit... Saw the explanation in the other thread that the empty space is for future ad space.
                                Last edited by Pissed Off Patriot; 11-07-2014, 12:13 PM.
                                "I ask, Sir, what is dinner? It is the whole chicken. To pluck the chicken is the best and most effectual way to prepare them."
                                Colonel Sanders

                                That is a NICE looking bunch of meat!

                                I can still find a use for my thumb, even though it no longer has a hole to finger.

                                I could have been enjoying his nuts.

