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MDTS Tactical First Aid and System Collapse Medicine

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  • MDTS Tactical First Aid and System Collapse Medicine

    Had the great pleasure of taking this MDTS class yesterday along with USMC. The class was actually hosted by MDTS and performed by Greg Ellifritz of Active Response Network Greg has almost two decades of experience with the Columbus Oh police department and has spent most of those as a training officer. He has attended some of the best training on the planet and has practiced what he taught in over 35 countries including many third-world countries. He was first rate and it was an honor to be apart of his class. Once again, Chris Fry didn't disappoint. Info on Chris and his classes can be found here

    Most of the class covered the military's Tactical Combat Casualty Care MARCH protocol for dealing with injuries caused by penetrating trauma or blasts. The fundamentals were extended to real world situations you or I might encounter while at the range, hunting, hiking or travelling where immediate medical response may not be coming and you have to treat injuries to yourself or loved ones until help arrives. MARCH is different than the usual ABC protocol taught in most first aid classes for civilians with a working healthcare system.

    M - massive bleeding
    A - air way
    R - respirations
    C - circulation
    H - head

    We spent a lot of time on the first three. A little on the fourth. And none on the last (due to a reality based assessment that you and I aren't likely to treat a massive head injury in the situations contemplated by the class).

    We learned a great deal using items everyone should have in their first aid kit. Israeli Bandages, tourniquets, NPA (Nasal Pharyngeal Airway tube ), chest seals, hemostatic gauze. We were shown procedures that could be used in dire circumstances to save loved ones lives. Alternatatives were presented throughout the class to perform the techniques with improvised materials if you didn't have the kit items.

    Latter part of the class dealt with cleansing and closing wounds and importance of keeping them from becoming infected. We learned how to suture and staple wounds and applied what we were taught on a chicken wing.

    Last part of class dealt with medications that everyone should consider keeping in there kit and potential sources for obtaining them.

    Greg was kind enough to give everyone a CD that contained reference items for everything taught during class. Haven't looked at it yet but can't wait to review it.

    Overall I felt it was an amazing class and am glad I took the 3 hr drive to attend it. Highly recommended.
    Last edited by usmcveteran; 11-03-2014, 09:00 AM.

  • #2
    CGrutt, Greg and I appreciate you and USMC coming out to train with us. Wish it was longer, brother. Great day of learning.



    • #3
      I thought it was an outstanding class and I learned a lot and was refreshed on a lot too. The one thing I really also liked about his class vs other ones is that he actually a lot of different gear for you to try out and decide which you like best. Personally I now know I like the TK4 tourniquet the best.

      Another interesting thing he brought up was how many of you have practiced with all the things in your kit? Are they still in wrappers? How difficult might they be to get off if your shot (think gun fights, they tech you not to use slide release because you will most likely lose fine motor skills.

      There was a lot more brought up as well and if any of you get the chance to take his course I would recommend it! I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
      Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
      Am I short stroking or going to fast?

      I know he has a bush


      • #4
        I found this link interesting....
        It is a shame when people demanding tolerance, have no tolerance


        • #5
          We were cited on Greg's forum...


          • #6
            I really need to attend one of these classes. just checked their website for 2016 dates and doesn't look they are coming within 6+ hours of me next year. Might have to make the trek to Ohio but if anyone else hears of a similar even in NY let us all know!


            • #7
              Sounds like you guys had a good time! I hope to take a few classes with MDTS in the future once I get my permit.

              Edit: and some other trainers in the area as well.
              Last edited by Jimbo_79; 12-03-2015, 05:04 PM.
              I could be's happened before and it'll happen again.


              • #8
                It was a great class and learned I don't want to have to do stitches..... Staple gun all the way for me lol
       I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
                Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
                Am I short stroking or going to fast?

                I know he has a bush


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jimbo_79 View Post
                  Sounds like you guys had a good time! I hope to take a few classes with MDTS in the future once I get my permit.

                  Edit: and some other trainers in the area as well.
                  Chris does a lot more than just pistol. His shotgun and carbine classes are top notch.
                  Sticky Lips at High Noon!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by dwa12479 View Post

                    Chris does a lot more than just pistol. His shotgun and carbine classes are top notch.
                    I hear the shotgun class is a LOT of fun!! I definitely want to rake that one next year!!
                    I could be's happened before and it'll happen again.


                    • #11
                      I've taken pistol and carbine a several times, shotgun once as well as this tactical first aid class. All great classes and highly recommended. I actually would recommend any class taught or sponsored by Chris Fry. He's the best IMO in addition to a hell of a nice guy! This particular class was sponsored by Chris but actually taught by Greg Ellifritz of Active Response Network. I believe Greg is from Ohio and I'm not sure how often he teaches in NY. Another great class and highly recommended.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Jimbo_79 View Post

                        I hear the shotgun class is a LOT of fun!! I definitely want to rake that one next year!!
                        I took his Shotgun 1 class a few weeks ago with thughes. Excellent from start to finish.

                        The Rolling Thunder drill will have your thumbs aching by the time it's done, but you'll be feeding that mag tube like a champ by the time you're done.
                        Last edited by dwa12479; 12-03-2015, 08:47 PM.
                        Sticky Lips at High Noon!

