Really hoping they revise these rules as regulations loosen up in the coming months. If they're going to run 12 relays for the big matches we're going to be on the range past dinnertime.
Squadding/participation for all events will be held to half of the maximum capacity. Competitors will be placed at every-other firing point for distancing purposes. For those events squadded on the line, social distancing and masks will be required while squadding is taking place.
NM Welcome Center (In-Processing):
Several check-in desks, appropriately spaced, will be available for arriving guests. A limited number of individuals will be permitted into the building at a time and will be required to be seated in chairs, six-feet apart, to discourage gathering while waiting to check in.
Squadding/participation for all events will be held to half of the maximum capacity. Competitors will be placed at every-other firing point for distancing purposes. For those events squadded on the line, social distancing and masks will be required while squadding is taking place.
NM Welcome Center (In-Processing):
Several check-in desks, appropriately spaced, will be available for arriving guests. A limited number of individuals will be permitted into the building at a time and will be required to be seated in chairs, six-feet apart, to discourage gathering while waiting to check in.