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The Insanity of NYS Pistol Permits

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  • The Insanity of NYS Pistol Permits

    Temptation got the best of me the other day and I decided to buy a used pistol. This was my first time buying a pistol from a retail location and having to go through the transfer process. Any other pistols I own were transfers at the Rochester gun show where it was relatively painless. So I start by doing the NICS check through a computer system. During the NICS check I have to check a box assuring everyone that I'm OK to buy a gun because I haven't been arrested, committed, or done anything bad. Checking this box seemed a bit redundant to me since I thought the NICS system was supposed to know all the bad stuff, but whatever. Didn't think too much of it. I then had to fill out a hard copy form at the counter and check a box saying I haven't been arrested, committed, or done anything bad. I check the box and sign the form and again think it's a bit redundant.

    The next day I go downtown to get my permit amended. I'm not a fan of driving downtown. I also had to arrange the trip with my wife and daughter so that we could put the pistol on her permit as well. As we were trying to find a parking spot I started becoming a bit more envious of those living in free states. We finally get into the clerk's office and luckily there wasn't much of a line. Once again I was asked to sign a form saying I haven't been arrested, committed, or done anything bad. I couldn't help but laugh at the pointless redundancy. Is having to state this over and over and over some sort of deterrent to criminals who want to own a pistol? I then filled out the transfer form to put the pistol on my wife's permit. She had to sign a form assuring big brother that she hasn't been arrested, committed, or done anything bad. One time. She only had to do it ONCE! No NICS check, and only signing one form and she gets the pistol on her permit. I was dumb enough to comment to the clerk that my wife wasn't required to get a NICS check to put the pistol on her license. The clerk responded "That's why a Brady check is required every 5 years. If it had been more than 5 years since her last Brady check she would have to go through that again." So buying a pistol requires a NICS check every time, but transferring a pistol only requires a check every 5 years. The absurdity of the whole thing begins to irritate me, but I manage to smile and thank the clerk for helping us before leaving. All set. Now I just need to go get the pistol from the store.

    That night I went to the store to pick up the pistol on my way home from work. I present my permit, transfer card, and driver's license to the guy at the gun counter. He puts a form for me to fill out on the counter. I needed to check a box and sign to say I haven't been arrested, committed, or done anything bad.

    Since the day before.

    Last edited by WARFAB; 10-02-2015, 09:25 AM.
    NRA Life Member
    NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

    I was thinking of his cannon.

  • #2
    This is why I don't have a pistol permit. I don't do well with jumping through hoops for the sake of, well... jumping through hoops.
    Athiest. Because... science


    • #3
      I got back to work the next day and was telling a gun owning co-worker that I'm never buying another pistol. It's a freaking pain in the rear and I don't want to deal with it. Considering I'm also bad at spending money and was thinking about all the other expenses I have coming up, the hassle of the permit was enough to make me write it off. My coworker responded "then antis have succeeded in their goal then".

      The idea that people living in a neighboring state with substantially lower taxes can just go to the store, pass a NICS check, and walk out with a pistol doesn't make the process any more palatable to me.

      In other news, how dare they ask anyone to show ID to vote in an election. :Banghead:
      NRA Life Member
      NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

      I was thinking of his cannon.


      • #4
        We're gonna need to talk about the cover sheet on your TPS reports.
        I could be's happened before and it'll happen again.


        • #5
          Ok, you've outlined the silly amendment process, I'll add one to this.

          My kids are legally allowed to shoot pistols with me from the time they are 14-21. Everything is all nice and legal like. Right? Well, the day they turn 21 they have to have their own permit, otherwise handling a pistol is a felony. We all know how long the process takes to get one. So all 3 of my kids could conceivably not be allowed to touch a pistol for who knows how long while they wait for the approval process, despite the fact that they will have been handling and shooting them for many years prior.
          Sticky Lips at High Noon!


          • #6
            My cousin has been waiting for 6 months on his permit, his dad retires as a corrections officer, brings his pistols to a local FFL while he applies for his permit. His son is still waiting for approval, yet he gets fast tracked and has in in less than 60 days.


            • #7
              FUAC, FUBO, FUHC, FUCS, the list goes on and on. Go to a free state, attend a machine gun shoot and your kids can shoot one or more of those evil things.
              I must say I love beavers.


              • #8
                the 4473 and all of the Permit process...
                is simply a way to have you voluntarily give up your RIGHT for a PRIVILEGE
                think about this
                sic semper boogaloo


                • #9
                  no different that suscribing to the fiction of a " Drivers Licence "
                  sic semper boogaloo


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Norm DeGuerre View Post
                    the 4473 and all of the Permit process...
                    is simply a way to have you voluntarily give up your RIGHT for a PRIVILEGE
                    think about this
                    Understandable indeed..but..All n all, quite honestly, I'm mighty happy owning all the things I want and doing whatever I do with an expiry of is what it is right now in these here times, and I got what I need no matter the hurdles leapt, and jargon on documents to achieve it


                    • #11
                      If my new pistol is good enough maybe I'll feel like it was all worth it. The thing is going to have to put a pretty huge smile on my face when I shoot it to justify all the nonsense.

                      I have to admit Jimbo's TPS report comment helped a little bit.
                      NRA Life Member
                      NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

                      I was thinking of his cannon.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by WARFAB View Post
                        If my new pistol is good enough maybe I'll feel like it was all worth it. The thing is going to have to put a pretty huge smile on my face when I shoot it to justify all the nonsense.

                        I have to admit Jimbo's TPS report comment helped a little bit.
                        I'm gonna need you to come in on Saturday. We have some new people...and yeah, that would be great...
                        I could be's happened before and it'll happen again.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Jimbo_79 View Post

                          I'm gonna need you to come in on Saturday. We have some new people...and yeah, that would be great...
                          Give me back my stapler.......
                          Sticky Lips at High Noon!


                          • #14
                            Uuummm yeeeeaaa

