As of January 1, 2017, NY permit holders (outside of NYC and communist counties that already require it) who received their permit prior to 2013 will have to "recertify" their permits. This will be handled by the NYSP via a website or snail mail although as of December 13th, 2016 there is no website in place and no information regarding the procedure available. The county clerks are calling BS because they have met with the NYSP for answers earlier this year and didn't get any.
Not sure how to handle this, ideally I would like to see a wholesale non-compliance movement telling the NYSP to f uck off but I have no idea how to organize something like that and am pretty sure there are too many fudds to actually be able to pull it off anyway. I suppose the best hope for any type of protest would be to get everybody to "recertify" by snail mail and wait until the last possible day to have the paperwork postmarked.
I would be willing to bet that, while the deadline is January 31 2018 (giving the NYSP another full year to get set up), that piece of PePePePeshittatatata lap dog D'Amico will come out with another "This is on hold until further notice" announcement. Hey cuomo, f uck you too!
Not sure how to handle this, ideally I would like to see a wholesale non-compliance movement telling the NYSP to f uck off but I have no idea how to organize something like that and am pretty sure there are too many fudds to actually be able to pull it off anyway. I suppose the best hope for any type of protest would be to get everybody to "recertify" by snail mail and wait until the last possible day to have the paperwork postmarked.
I would be willing to bet that, while the deadline is January 31 2018 (giving the NYSP another full year to get set up), that piece of PePePePeshittatatata lap dog D'Amico will come out with another "This is on hold until further notice" announcement. Hey cuomo, f uck you too!