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Ordered a Cheapo Scout scope for the SKS

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  • Ordered a Cheapo Scout scope for the SKS

    I was gonna wait until I could afford the Nikon, but I was given a $50 amazon gift card, it was exactly 50 so I didn't have to spend a dime of my own money. I wanted something I could shoot both eyes open for reactive fire but also have some zoom for some prone or supported fire. What I truly want is a Nikon Force XR but this will do for now.

    TacFire Scout:
    • Magnification - 2X-7X
    • Objective - 32 mm.
    • Tube Diameter - 1 in.
    • Eye Relief - 8.5 in.-10.5 in.

    Average review is 4.5 stars and most people were mounting on a Mossin so I cant see the recoil of an SKS doing anything. I have to scout mount because I don't want to drill the receiver and any replacement dust covers are either terrible or the the ones that work well prohibit you from using stripper clips, and in this communist state the 20 round detachable are a no-go.

    Scope Arrives Wednesday (technically Tuesday, but fedex will be dropping it off at the post office for final delivery and I will be working until they close)

    I hope to get out that afternoon and put rounds down range (Post office delivers mail by 10 AM here)

    If all goes well i should have a range report by Wednesday night.

  • #2
    Do you get to shoot at distance? Like 200+?

    How will you mount it?
    Athiest. Because... science


    • #3
      My range is only 50 yards, my feild is 300+ yards so I may dial her in there, I currently have the tapco stock with rail on the hand guard, I have a red dot on there now and after 1,000+ rounds never lost the zero but it soon will be replaced with a scout mount that replaces the rear sight to I can go with a vented hand guard.

      The selller used to have an Amazon store as well and for a long time and I never read a bad review.
      Last edited by ADK2ndClub; 10-02-2015, 04:25 PM.


      • #4
        Wow that is a very inexpensive scope! .... Do they actually hold zero and adjustments work?
        Never heard of those prices other than airgun scopes.
        It is a shame when people demanding tolerance, have no tolerance


        • #5
          Most of the reviews are positive we'll see, one thing they complain about is adjustment screws are plastic and strip easily, but its just a temporary solution until I can afford the $250 Nikon.


          • #6
            years ago I put a cheap simmons scope on an sks, sighted it in and was noticing the groups going all over the place. after noticing the cone on the scope on the objective lens was separating apart I went back to iron sights....
            I'm confused!!!!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sailor Jerry View Post
              years ago I put a cheap simmons scope on an sks, sighted it in and was noticing the groups going all over the place. after noticing the cone on the scope on the objective lens was separating apart I went back to iron sights....
              Years ago I saw a guy at the range with a scope that was falling apart. Literally!... he had a few small parts and screws all over the bench. LMAO

              It is a shame when people demanding tolerance, have no tolerance


              • #8
                Many scopes are built to withstand the recoil impulse in only one direction. The mass of the SKS bolt slamming into battery ruins many inexpensive scopes
                Last edited by Tony; 10-03-2015, 06:48 AM.


                • #9
                  You never know until you try it to see if it works for you. A couple guys at hunting camp have been shooting the same Remington model 4 and 742 for years and years with the Tasco 3-9x scope they put on the gun when it was new. Some call both the gun and scope junk but both still working many years later and countless deer in the freezer. To each there own, epically when it comes down to dollars and cents. I remember the days when that was all I could afford. I have Leupold, Redfield, Burris but still have the very 1st Tasco 6x I bought, sits on a hunting .22 that has been handed down through the family.
                  I must say I love beavers.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Tony View Post
                    Many scopes are built to withstand the recoil impulse in only one direction. The mass of the SKS bolt slamming into battery ruins many inexpensive scopes
                    a well built scope is made to be dropped, wet, twisted and still retain all structural integrity both the external body and the erector tube.
                    A bolt slamming forward can make a lot of noise but has little to none kinetic energy transferred to the gun.
                    There is zero evidence that suggest otherwise.
                    If the firearm is dropped I would be more worried about the quality of the mounts and rings than the scope if it is a quality one.
                    Military bump and drop their systems everywhere and they are build to stay put no matter what direction sometimes throwing the rifle
                    in front of you into a trench and pick it up and continue shooting w/o any effect on zero.

                    Of course a cheap maker is not going to spend a lot of time (or any time) in any kind of torture or endurance test.
                    It is a shame when people demanding tolerance, have no tolerance


                    • #11
                      My post stated an " inexpensive scope ". More than a couple of years ago there was an article in the American Rifleman magazine concerning what I stated; the mass slamming forward was capable of ruining inexpensive scopes. If you hold your SKS balanced in one hand and release the bolt with the other which way does the rifle travel when it locks into battery? I would think that would be indicative of kinetic energy being transferred. I'm sure scopes have improved in quality, even inexpensive scopes.
                      Last edited by Tony; 10-03-2015, 05:08 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Tony View Post
                        My post stated an " inexpensive scope ". More than a couple of years ago there was an article in the American Rifleman magazine concerning what I stated; the mass slamming forward was capable of ruining inexpensive scopes. If you hold your SKS balanced in one hand and release the bolt with the other which way does the rifle travel when it locks into battery? I would think that would be indicative of kinetic energy being transferred. I'm sure scopes have improved in quality, even inexpensive scopes.
                        I am not sure what scope would do that nor who would buy anything like that anyway. It is not like they make nice wall hangers.
                        I do have a few inexpensive scopes mainly put in airguns and inexpensive rifles and shotguns. Some large caliber rifles like spring loaded 22 and 25 have more forward kynetic energy than the SKS and even with the constant hammering and the scopes even if they are not accurate in adjustment they stay put.
                        But I am sure there might be makers like those who sell in ebay that sell pure junk. Investing any money on those optics could be like taking a few $ bills and throwing them into the fire.
                        Anyway we already spent more time dollars talking than what those scopes are worth anyway. LOL

                        It is a shame when people demanding tolerance, have no tolerance


                        • #13
                          Considering the gift card was free, I am willing to take the gamble. I have a cheap $25 dollar AimSports red/green dot that has been sitting on my shotgun off an on for over a year, over 1,000 target loads, hundreds of slugs and buck shot, zero is still true and has survived allot of drops and torture. Even though many of my friends told me it would never handle the recoil of a 12G. These same friends who told me I could never hunt with the HD barrel, had to help me dress the deer I took with the Brenneke slugs. (I was using a Bushnell 2X scope). I have also taken a few toms with the red dot and turkey loads, all out of a 18 1/2" cylinder barrel. So I do try and get peoples opinions, but I also will take a gable if it risk is low, and the reward is worth it.

                          As far as quality, I cant speak for the scope I have not received yet, but with other cheap Chinese optics have had to settle for in the past, quality has always been high for the price point, its not always quality that is sacrificed, its just cheaper to make things in labor camps.

                          As far as anyone now coming back at me for using Chinese stuff, If you have an iphone you have no room to talk. Iphones are made in FoxConns secondary facility, where the workers live in dormitories on site, are shorted pay, and kill them selves at such a high rate they installed suicide nets. 4 Taiwan universities investigated them and found the conditions illegal and inhumane to Chinese labor camp standards (imagine compared to American labor laws). Yet despite this making national news, and apple doing nothing to solve it, Iphone is still #1 in smartphones.


                          • #14
                            My post neither encouraged or discouraged. I was merely passing along some information I had come across many moons ago. A friend had a Weaver Marskman scope ($40-$50) mounted on an SKS and shot it to pieces internally in a magazine full.



                            • #15
                              Scope came today!!!!!

                              So I didn't have a bore sight so between walking it out to 50m, and then like a moron, adjusting it the wrong way and going back off of paper, I got her fairly well sighted in. I was also in a hurry to get back in the house and get the house cleaned up before my parents came for dinner so the last target I mad adjustemts every shot. The last shot hit just under the bulls eye, ill go back out tomorrow and confirm it with groups.

                              Eye relief was perfect, great at 2X for defensive weapon, zoom it in to 7X and hopefully take a buck this year. (If I can only find HP or SP ammo, all I can find is FMJ). Took me 40 damn rounds to zero with the mistakes I made adjusting the wrong way and having to start at 15 feet and walk it out, but defiantly worth the $50 lol!
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by ADK2ndClub; 10-05-2015, 02:32 PM.

