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What revolver would you buy?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by usmcveteran View Post
    OK so in your mind the hammerless option is more of a niche product for a narrow specific use in mind?
    I work with a guy who got his wife a Ruger LCR. He likes the fact that it's hammerless because he figures she can keep it in her coat pocket and fire it from inside the pocket if necessary. I carry in an ankle holster, so if I need to use my pistol I'm drawing it out into the open anyways. The single action break of the trigger is as crisp as my target rifle and I just wouldn't trade that for what I see being the questionable benefits of a hammerless pistol.

    Perhaps my prioritization of the single action trigger pull is based on unrealistic ideas about using a defensive pistol. Someone else might be able to make a better argument for going hammerless.

    Originally posted by Cgrutt View Post
    What does bother me is the damn thing kicks like a mule (with 357 Mag) due to small size and relatively little weight.
    Why not just shoot .38+ in it?
    Last edited by WARFAB; 11-10-2015, 10:11 AM.
    NRA Life Member
    NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

    I was thinking of his cannon.


    • #17
      Lol I suppose its like the frog and scorpion... Its not in my nature ha ha...Besides my carry guns are usually Glocks or Sigs now.


      • #18
        Ahhh bustin out alil "Aesops Tales" eh??


        • #19
          Check out the older S&W kit guns, nice guns and we'll made, most were bough as seldom carried or fired. We'll under what your looking to spend and will never lose value if properly maintained.
          Easier to Google them than try to explain them other than they weren't a kit that you built but a kit that you carried in the woods.
          I must say I love beavers.


          • #20
            Originally posted by harleyhutch View Post
            Check out the older S&W kit guns, nice guns and we'll made, most were bough as seldom carried or fired. We'll under what your looking to spend and will never lose value if properly maintained.
            Easier to Google them than try to explain them other than they weren't a kit that you built but a kit that you carried in the woods.
            Thanks for posting this I'd never heard of these kit guns. Awesome history behind it. Definitely will be on the list for future purchase. We should start a separate thread about these if anybody has one (or more).


            • #21
              I bought my wife one in .22, stainless with the box and original box of 50 shells with 10 missing. I was lucky, was talking guns and the guy said he had a pistol he was considering on selling, when he said $375 I paid him on the spot and went straight to the permit office.
              You spot on with reading the history on them, my wife often asks if I'm looking at another gun and half the time I'm just reading about them weather I'm interested in a purchase or my interest in the history behind them.
              More than welcome to shoot mine some time.
              I must say I love beavers.


              • #22
                Dead sexy right here:

                Why? Cause if it's a fun gun, you shouldnt have to pay an arm and a leg for an authentic.
                Uberti’s 1873 El Patrón Competition features a low-angle hammer. It provides for easy access and quick shooting.


                • #23
                  If I win the lottery I'll be adding a Colt SAA and nice drop holster to my collection.
                  NRA Life Member
                  NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

                  I was thinking of his cannon.


                  • #24
                    If your going for a 1st Gen Colt, cha ching cha ching cha ching. Most excellent taste if I do say so, would be awesome to own a piece of history like that. Closest I come is a early Colt New Service in 45 Colt, not a single action but still cool as hell.
                    I must say I love beavers.


                    • #25
                      I've always been pretty confused by all the S&W model number and frame letter designations. Google led me to this link and I found it very helpful and informative.

                      NRA Life Member
                      NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

                      I was thinking of his cannon.


                      • #26
                        Go big or go home? Super Redhawk in 454 Casuli?



                        • #27
                          The Dirty Harry S&W 44 magnum is a joy to shoot but not the one can enjoy the longest in long shooting sessions.
                          I would choose a revolver in a caliber I already have, if not the case at least the bullet/bore for reloading.

                          What about a 8 shot 929?

                          It is a shame when people demanding tolerance, have no tolerance

