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If You Carry, How Did You Feel When You Started?

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  • If You Carry, How Did You Feel When You Started?

    I figured this might be the best place for this question.

    Last night a thought popped in my head and I figured this would be the best place to ask so here goes...

    For those that carry how did you feel when you started carrying? I don't mean did you feel like Rambo or something but did you feel a little nervous or anxious? Were you worried someone might call the police on you if they saw you were carrying?

    I ask because as firearms owners we're taught (or hopefully taught) to respect the weapon and handle it safely. Now, you can walk down the street with a pistol tucked in your jacket or holstered under your shirt. My whole life it's not been a big deal to transport a firearm to the range or go to the store and buy one, not a second thought given but actually carrying seems (to me at least) like it would feel a bit different. I'm sure you get used to it and after a while it's like leaving the house with your keys or wallet, not a big deal.

    Part of my reasoning for the questions is two fold. One, I don't have my pistol permit in NYS yet but do plan to get it and apply for full carry so knowing what to expect mentally might help. Two, when I lived in TX I bought a S&W .40 Sigma Series pistol at a sporting goods store. After they did the NICS check and some other paperwork they took it to the check out counter for me (I wasn't allowed to hold it yet) and then after I paid for it they walked me out into the parking lot before they would hand it to me. It kinda felt like I was being escorted off the property for disorderly conduct or something, lol! I understand it's probably their store policy but it just felt kinda weird.

    Any input or advice would be most appreciated.
    I could be's happened before and it'll happen again.

  • #2
    Oh, forgot to add this. Once you started carrying did your situational awareness level go up more than before you started carrying?
    I could be's happened before and it'll happen again.


    • #3
      I would like to preface that I open carried pistol in the Marines when I was in security forces and thought nothing of it.

      When I finally got my permit and started carrying concealed I did feel weird at first. I thought that people could see it and would noticed. However after a little bit of time it became a non issue and I didn't even think about it anymore.

      Biggest thing is to find a holster and pistol that you like and the smaller the better IMO at first so its easier to carry all the time. I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
      Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
      Am I short stroking or going to fast?

      I know he has a bush


      • #4
        Thought this might make for a good conversation. Thanks for the input usmc!
        I could be's happened before and it'll happen again.


        • #5
          The other thing too is that you might feel nervous about the safety aspect of having a pistol next to your body. I know some especially feel this way at first when carrying a 1911 style pistol with hammer already cocked.
 I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
          Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
          Am I short stroking or going to fast?

          I know he has a bush


          • #6
            Yeah when you first start its definitely weight of the world all eyes on you sort of thing. At least for me. Then you come to realize nobody knows what's going on as were too busy checking our Facebook yada yada yada. At this point you've got the edge aware that you're carrying and realize nobody else has a clue what's going on around them. Then you move onto the point where you're carrying and too busy looking at Facebook to know what's going on. I exaggerate to make a point but believe the point is valid. If you're going to carry do yourself a favor and train. A lot gets lost to complacency myself included.

            And just for the record there is no such thing as applying for a full carry in NYS despite what the media would have you believe. Under NYS law you are issued a carry permit or a premise permit. Premise means just that the pistol/revolver is good at the premises its issued for. Carry is just that too. To have and hold concealed where permitted by law. Judges have placed administrative restrictions on this that vary by county but hold no weight of law. Yeah you can lose your permit for carrying outside of restrictions but you're not breaking any laws. Took me a long time to come to grips with that. We really have to take this country back.....for the children.


            • #7
              To me at lest, it seems like carrying comes with a completely different mentality of sorts. Hope I'm making sense and not sounding like a "lets get in touch with your feelings" type of thing, lol!
              I could be's happened before and it'll happen again.


              • #8
                I get what your saying.... Basically you don't think it should be taken lightly since it's a big responsibility. I would encourage everyone to take training to be safe and more confident and proficient in your abilities.
       I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
                Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
                Am I short stroking or going to fast?

                I know he has a bush


                • #9
                  Originally posted by usmcveteran View Post
                  I get what your saying.... Basically you don't think it should be taken lightly since it's a big responsibility. I would encourage everyone to take training to be safe and more confident and proficient in your abilities.
                  Thank you USMC! That's pretty much it, lol!
                  I could be's happened before and it'll happen again.


                  • #10
                    Yeah but its so much more than that. It boils down to mindset. If you carry you have to be willing to assess any situation, draw down on another human being, pull the trigger to stop the threat and deal with the legal, emotional and financial consequences that follow. Nice to think about the 350# thug that attacks you in a dark parking lot. What of it were a twelve year old kid with his friends at the mall who pulls a gun on you and your family and demands your wallet? Of course your are not quite certain if its a Glock or airsoft. What do you do? Not an easy answer is it? Mindset. This is good stuff...


                    • #11
                      That's where training helps because most people don't have that kind of experience and will likely freeze or make the wrong decision when the time comes by acting when they shouldn't or by not acting when they should .

                      While training is just that and not a real life situation it is much better then nothing and when your stressed if you have had plenty of proper training they should kick in for you.

                      Another thing people can try is too do a bunch of exercise and pushups and what not to raise heart rate and breathing and then try to shoot. You will notice its much harder to hit what your aiming at and your body is going to be going through these functions when under a lot of stress and by practing it you can help minimize its effects.
             I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
                      Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
                      Am I short stroking or going to fast?

                      I know he has a bush


                      • #12
                        A while back I went through similar questioning with myself when pondering a home defense scenario. It's easy to say "just shoot the intruder" but I started pondering the fact that I could potentially take another human beings life and how would I feel about that. After much thought I came to the conclusion I could deal with that much easier than dealing with the potential death of my loved ones.
                        I could be's happened before and it'll happen again.


                        • #13
                          When I got my permit at 21 I was stupid. I carried big gun and had no problem showing it off. Young and stupid.
                          17 years ago when my wife told me she had a boyfriend and I had to deal with it I turned in my permit. Wasn't going to end up Bubba's ***** in jail.
                          2 years ago I got my permit again with a hugh different mindset. I wanted it to protect my family/myself not to show off. When I got my 1st pistol (the 2nd time) I decided to do it right. I've taken 2 training classes and 1 personal lesson from Rochester Personal Defense. I also try to shoot weekly in a very safe but defensive way. I carry an dress so no one knows I have a gun on me.
                          It's a whole new mindset now.
                          I hope this makes sense and helps
                          She wants to be your belly gun


                          • #14
                            First time I "carried", it was from my home, to the range, as that is all my permit allowed for carry outside of the walls of my domicile. I lost 10lbs to sweat, and drove 2mph under the speed limit and made sure every device on my car was working. The range was less than 3 miles / 10 min in very heavy traffic, there was no traffic. I may or may not have needed an extra rinse on my underwear when an AMBULANCE hit the sirens to clear thru an intersection.

                            One of the first times I'd started carrying regularly, I went to a PD to pick up a gun my FFL had for me. He died suddenly - like if a tree fell on him (exactly what happened), and the PD took possession of the guns. When I walked up to the lobby I explained my business to the desk officer, and told him who I was there to see. He paged the guy (detective), guy came out and told me to come on back with him, he had some other stuff to wrap up. I shook my head violently. I don't remember his words exactly, but he said something along the lines of "I'm only trying to give you your gun, not lock you up". I attempted to tell him I was armed, he shushed me, and took me in back in the secure area.

                            One of his officers got the gun, I gave them the paperwork (from the county) and another officer jokingly said I should wait until I got outside of the police station to load it, given that I was in a sensitive area.

                            I told him "ok, should I unload the gun I am carrying now?"

                            oh boy. Crickets, lovely crickets.

                            One guy says "Are you ****ing telling me you're armed right now?"
                            My guy says (a bit embarrassed) "you guys ****ing worry too much", and hustled me the heck outta there.

                            Nowadays I have to remind myself there is a gun on my person, so I don't make the mistake of carrying to my kids' schools. I know many of the officers here, and train hard with a select few. Also have neighbors who are LE who have kids in school. They are always joking from having seen me shoot that if the shots start ringing they are simply gonna shoot at who ever I am shooting at. I told one of em I wouldn't have a gun. He said "Yeah, but not for long you wouldn't have a gun, this is why I carry two".



                            • #15
                              I have to think about where I am going and if it's feasible to carry. Going out with friends vs going to the store change the situation. I also protect my holster side when choosing a seat at a restaurant.

