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Handgun Mounted Light or Hand held light?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by 4eXcalibur View Post

    What's that for when you got a weak bladder in the middle of the night?? Or when you come back from the bar with beer goggles and a chick but you don't wanna look up??


    mine is defective. It sure puts a large scary shadow on the ground out in front of me!


    • #17
      Originally posted by phritz View Post
      I use a hand held light. The one and only reason is that I want the light to move independently from the muzzle so that I can avoid sweeping non-targets.
      I don't see this as an issue. A weapon light (pick any higher end light) will light up a lot of area. You can turn the light on from a weapons retention stance, or a low ready, and light your potential target without flagging them. If you click it on and it's the boogey-man, you're moments away from rounds down range. If you click it on and it is something you don't want to shoot don't shoot it. Muzzle low ready will show plenty IF your indoors.

      I think its odd that people bring this up so much, because when talking about a rifle it is a complete non-issue. Nobody thinks about sweeping a friendly they think of IDing a threat and shooting or IDing a non-threat and not shooting. The whole point of the light is so you can ID. If its not a threat don't shoot. Pretty simple. If you find you have someone you know down your sights, don't shoot them. If your using the light indoors and aren't even on target yet, then you haven't even swept them. The rules of firearms ownership are firm. But if your clearing a room, or fighting for your life... I'm going to assume it is a threat until I know otherwise, and won't shoot until I know for sure. Should I find that it isn't a threat I will correct myself if I am flagging.

      That being said, I think the solution isn't so much an either/or scenario but rather an and/both. Weapon mounted and handheld each have advantages. I do not have a weapon mounted light, because I can't afford the x300 that I would like, and everytime I have funds for it I find myself with funding I'd like to save for more expensive things. Like a new mattress, or automotive work, or whatever life throws out there. Hand mounted lights remove the bg's target from your COM depending on the technique you use. The major disadvantage to a handheld light is that a two handed grip becomes a horrible contortion. I've tried every way you can imagine, and they all get so far away from my thumbs forward grip its grotesque.

      All that being said, I don't EDC a light, and if I had that x300 of my dreams, it would be on bed stand duty.
      OIF/OND Veteran


      • #18
        Carry a Terralux TT-7 in the right inside pocket of my vest in an AR mag pouch so I can grab it with my left while I acquire my pistol grip with my right. Like a separate light (with the strike bezel and strobe) to use as an expedient weapon in a "gun-free" area.
        Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges - Cornelius Tacitus


        • #19
          Looking to add a TLR 1 HL to my G20C.


          • #20
            Any reason people don't turn on the lights?


            • #21
              Originally posted by RandallOfLegend View Post
              Any reason people don't turn on the lights?
              May or may not have access to switch or power. Also in stress of situation you would be surprised with the sense that goes out the window. That's why whatever your plan is its important to practice it.
     I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
              Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
              Am I short stroking or going to fast?

              I know he has a bush


              • #22
                Handheld on my night table, mounted light on my pistol on my night table.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by RandallOfLegend View Post
                  Any reason people don't turn on the lights?
                  U funny

                  As flr me..bump in the night im jumping up and shooting everything and everyone that moves..sorry girlfriend coming upstairs after watching DVR of young and the restless, sorry kids looking for glass of water, sorry cats scratching on my closet molding lights on any my pistols.

