Well it's been about 2 and a half decades since I last shot a friend with a BB gun or nowadays I guess they are fancy shmancy Air Rifles.lol. But yesterday I was at my club and using the Air Rifle Range and the NRA has given us grants and monies for about a dozen or so Rifles and pellets for our free use..cool. Well there was only about half a tin of pellets left and me and my Daughter finished them up, feeling the joys of the olden days and spending time with my 14 year old, we went right to Kmart to buy moucho pellets to go whenever we want. Question is, the tin at the club said 5.5mm/.22 wad cutters but it could just be an old tin that they keep refilling with pellets (which actually I know that's what they do) which could actually be the 4.5's but Kmart only had .177 4.5mm wad cutters..i kinda think the range rules said I need to use .177 only but that 5.5mm tin has me pondering..did I buy to small of a type to fit even though of the 5 or so different versions of pellet for sale they were all 4.5mm anyways. Sooooo any insight or thoughts, I understand without you all knowing the Rifles used and rules of the club it may be of no help but I may be fine too and just don't know?? Dave, have you shot at the air rifle range in PCFG and have knowledgey answers before I go look like a fool or I'll return them before I go if need. Thanks allll.
*Putnam County Fish and Game Association
*Putnam County Fish and Game Association