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Monroe County Opt Out Forms

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  • Monroe County Opt Out Forms

    I got a heads up about a D&C article about this, and was disgusted by the way the story was so distorted. Either this is just part of their efforts to make Dinolfo look bad, or these journalists can't even be bothered to pick up the phone and do some research to understand a story.

    The D&C article that is complete trash:
    (Not that I expected anything better from the D&C)

    13 WHAM article that only digs a bit deeper, but still misses the point and does it's best to paint Dinolfo in a bad light:

    The part that is most disturbing is that if I didn't hear Dinolfo talk about this at a SCOPE meeting, I probably would have thought this is a bad thing as well. Really makes you question pretty much everything the media tells you. Anyone who thinks they aren't susceptible to media bias and propaganda is kidding themselves.

    From the WHAM article:

    Monroe County, N.Y. (WHAM) – Monroe County Clerk Adam Bello (D) said gun owners who thought their names, addresses and list of firearms that were protected under the Safe Act’s opt-out form were not fully processed.

    Bello just took office a few months ago and said it’s a problem he stumbled upon.
    ​Well this sounds like a bad thing. I want my information to be private. Let's read further......

    He claims about 20,000 opt-out forms remain unprocessed, sitting inside two large filing cabinets at the clerk’s office. Some of the forms were submitted to the clerk’s office in 2013.

    Bello said about 13,000 of them were never sent to a judge to be approved, and the remaining forms were never filed away at the clerk’s office.
    A judge approves pistol permit applications. The SAFE act said if you didn't want your permit to be public information, then you could opt out. Why in the name of all that is good and holy would a judge need to approve your opt out form?

    County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo (R) who was previously the county clerk told 13WHAM.......

    "During this process, the Clerk’s Office did not release any information related to pistol permits to protect the safety and security of all pistol permit holders."

    Dinolfo said she worked with the Court system to create a procedure where submitted opt-out forms were collected, time-stamped and held chronologically in a separate file in the Clerk's Office. She said arrangements were made between her office and the court where bundles of forms were sent over for judicial review and approval. Once reviewed, the forms were sent back to the Clerk's Office and filed in a separate location and filed in a separate location from the pistol permit holder files required by law, according to Dinolfo.
    That's right folks. They are keeping the opt out forms in a separate location by design to keep everyone's information private. If the opt out forms and permits were kept together, it would be easy to respond to any FOIL request and provide information if the person hadn't opted out. By keeping them separate, the county clerk's office cannot easily verify who has opted out and who hasn't, so therefore no pistol permit holder information is provided. Which is the way it should be.

    (new county clerk) Bello said it's his priority to finish processing and filing away opt-out forms, but said it's going to take a long time.

    In the meantime, Bello said the clerk’s office will not be able to fulfill public record requests for pistol permits until all forms are accounted for.
    Yes people. That was precisely the point!!!

    So now I have to wonder if Bello's response was spun by the media, or if he actually doesn't get it. I am concerned that our new Monroe county clerk isn't as 2A friendly as our old one.

    This isn't the only thing they're going after Dinolfo about. The partisan politics crap seems to be coming non stop since she became County Executive.
    Last edited by WARFAB; 07-16-2016, 01:48 PM.
    NRA Life Member
    NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

    I was thinking of his cannon.

  • #2
    I'm surprised, though, that there is still paperwork dating back 3 years that hasn't been completed. That's ridiculous.
    Old enough to know better, still too young to care


    • #3
      The definition of "completed" varies based on who you talk to.

      I spoke with a former clerk's office employee Sunday and was quite disgusted to hear how much political BS is going on at the county level. She claimed that the big hold-up in 'filing/approving' the papers was actually the judges, not the clerk's office. Apparently the clerk's office was submitting the opt out forms in stacks of 50 for the judges to go through, and they are notoriously slow. Just like they are with the permit approvals. So that means all the stuff people are saying about allocating resources at the clerk's office won't change anything.

      I mentioned I had never seen anything in the SAFE act that said judges had to sign off on the opt-out forms, that my impression was submitting the form merely protected your privacy and didn't have any potential downsides. She replied that the judges are checking all the opt out forms to see if the people who submitted them should still be allowed to have their permits. I pointed out that the permitting system is a bit of a joke if it relies on people submitting an opt-out form to confirm whether or not they should have had their permit revoked. She didn't really argue with that. She did add that she personally thought the permit information should have been made private by default, and if you wanted to have your information accessible by the public you could fill out a form.

      The impression I got from Cheryl Dinolfo was that the forms were complete in her opinion, and she had no plans to ever combine them with the pistol permit files. Nobody at the SCOPE meeting had a problem with Dinolfo's plan to stymie any FOIL requests for permit information. I think Thug was at that meeting, so perhaps he remembers it differently.

      Adam Bello was appointed to the position by der fuehrer himself, so I'm nervous about what that means for the future of pistol permits in Monroe County. Supposedly the long term game-plan is for Bello to run against Dinolfo for county executive next election.
      NRA Life Member
      NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

      I was thinking of his cannon.


      • #4
        Can't wait to see how long they take with the 5 year renewal forms...... I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
        Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
        Am I short stroking or going to fast?

        I know he has a bush


        • #5
          Originally posted by usmcveteran View Post
          Can't wait to see how long they take with the 5 year renewal forms......
          I believe those are going to be sent to the state police, but I'm not entirely sure. My hope is that it only takes them a few hours to process the renewals they receive because there are only a handful of them.
          NRA Life Member
          NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

          I was thinking of his cannon.


          • #6
            This whole SNAFU makes me kind of glad I don't have my permit yet.
            Old enough to know better, still too young to care

