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Inform LEO you're carrying or not

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  • Inform LEO you're carrying or not

    I know this often leads to heated discussion and I understand and appreciate both sides of the argument. Personally, I have provided my CCW along with my license when pulled over without stating whether I was carrying or not. Pros and cons I suppose. Interesting article on topic...

  • #2
    In a few months if FUAC gets his way it'll be irrelevent anyways................................It'll all be tied to dmv records .


    • #3
      Couple of things... dmv records are limited to NYS and just because you have a permit doesn't mean you're carrying (although you should be )


      • #4
        Originally posted by Cgrutt View Post
        just because you have a permit doesn't mean you're carrying (although you should be )
        True, but in King Andy's New Yorkistan having your permit means the gestapo should treat you like a criminal whether you're armed or not.

        Question: are convicted felons' licenses marked to indicate their criminal tendencies? Somehow I doubt the ACLU would never allow a license indicating past criminal history, but singling out a law abiding citizen for additional harassment is fine.

        I actually haven't been pulled over since I got my permit. My first inclination is not to say anything. If I get pulled over I'll let everyone know how it goes.
        Last edited by WARFAB; 12-19-2016, 09:11 AM.
        NRA Life Member
        NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

        I was thinking of his cannon.


        • #5
          I tend to think the vast majority of LEO are not that concerned about legally armed citizens, its the illegally armed criminals they're concerned about. Of course an unregistered, illegally possessed handgun (or any weapon for that matter) would never appear on a criminal's license at all so it seems it's just another case of political hacks creating bigger government while ignoring the real problem.


          • #6
            A buddy of mine got stuck in the snow last year. Hes a diabetic and was crashing. The officer thought he was drunk or high and called the EMTs. He then found his pistol and attempted to arrest him for being drunk and handling a fire arm. When he EMTs arrived they informed the officer of what was really going on but they kept his pistol anyway. The next day when he went to the station to pick it up, the cop asked him "do you always carry" to which he replied "naw, sometimes I take a shower"


            • #7
              Originally posted by jrtraderny View Post
              In a few months if FUAC gets his way it'll be irrelevent anyways................................It'll all be tied to dmv records .
              Both of my vehicles are in my wife's name. If I have my permit, and am driving, guess what's not linked.
              Old enough to know better, still too young to care


              • #8
                Originally posted by camper4lyfe View Post
                Both of my vehicles are in my wife's name. If I have my permit, and am driving, guess what's not linked.
                Your driver's license is linked to you as an individual regardless of who owns the vehicle you're driving.

                NRA Life Member
                NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

                I was thinking of his cannon.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by WARFAB View Post

                  Your driver's license is linked to you as an individual regardless of who owns the vehicle you're driving.
                  Right, but the cop pulling up won't know anything until he runs my license.
                  Old enough to know better, still too young to care


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by camper4lyfe View Post
                    Right, but the cop pulling up won't know anything until he runs my license.
                    Either way, you've cleverly defeated their diabolical scheme by not getting your pistol permit.

                    Perhaps I'm just blissfully unaware of how much a police officer knows about me before he even gets out of his car to talk to me.

                    NRA Life Member
                    NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

                    I was thinking of his cannon.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by WARFAB View Post

                      Either way, you've cleverly defeated their diabolical scheme by not getting your pistol permit.

                      Perhaps I'm just blissfully unaware of how much a police officer knows about me before he even gets out of his car to talk to me.
                      "Defeated". More like they've defeated me so far.
                      Old enough to know better, still too young to care


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by WARFAB View Post

                        Perhaps I'm just blissfully unaware of how much a police officer knows about me before he even gets out of his car to talk to me.
                        first the NYSP LEO ( Legally Entitled to Oppress) will notify the dispatcher of Location and Plate number
                        generally depending on whether the NYSP car terminal is working, by the time he walks up to your automobile he knows:

                        1) your Registration is current
                        2) your " motor vehicle" meets NY STATE standards of current Inspection
                        3) you have met the STATE requirement of Financial Responsibility, i.e. currently Insured
                        4) the Registered owner has a good License

                        for the County guy's
                        they generally do not have this until they run everything after acquiring your License and Reggie
                        the Dispatcher does not run this for them unless asked

                        these days
                        when they take your license back to the cop car, they are running a Warrant Check, and DHS database check on you
                        thats why they are gone so long

                        sic semper boogaloo


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Norm DeGuerre View Post
                          these days
                          when they take your license back to the cop car, they are running a Warrant Check, and DHS database check on you
                          thats why they are gone so long
                          That's always a helpful period of time that can be used to make sure I didn't miss any random blood spatters during my cleanup of the car interior.
                          NRA Life Member
                          NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

                          I was thinking of his cannon.


                          • #14
                            I think some counties in NYS already have access this this information. At least I remember hearing about some departments being able to see it.
                   I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
                            Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
                            Am I short stroking or going to fast?

                            I know he has a bush


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by usmcveteran View Post
                              I think some counties in NYS already have access this this information. At least I remember hearing about some departments being able to see it.
                              You are correct
                              it is mostly dependant on the Electronics in the cop car
                              they all use different versions of this "Kustom Electronics" suitcase
                              newer cars have more data stream
                              it does Radar, radio, Telemetry
                              all in one 150# box of parts

                              and of course

                              ifn' you get had by a Plate Scanner
                              all that Data is instantly there
                              sic semper boogaloo

