Just curious as to what the Avid Arms family prefers for sights whether it's for rifle, pistol or shotgun. Yesterday and today I got a chance to take the new Marlin out for a spin. Great rifle! For me personally I have a problem getting a good sight picture with black sights on a black or dark target, especially with the Marlin since the front sight is razor thin. I've shot guns with and have some with a Hi-Viz setup which really helps me with accuracy. Probably going to order some for the Marlin.
I know Thughes is a huge fan of iron sights and that I have much respect for! Being able to hit a target at 100+ yards with open sights is just badass! Hell, it's what my Grandpa had to do in the military during WWII. With my vision I prefer a Hi-Viz type setup but what do you all like? Iron sights, Hi-Viz, red dot, scope etc? Also, if I ever wanted to enter a shooting competition would my preferred setup prohibit me from entering?
I guess ultimately whatever make me more accurate is what counts but I want to get some opinions from y'all that have been shooting much longer and have more experience than I do.
I know Thughes is a huge fan of iron sights and that I have much respect for! Being able to hit a target at 100+ yards with open sights is just badass! Hell, it's what my Grandpa had to do in the military during WWII. With my vision I prefer a Hi-Viz type setup but what do you all like? Iron sights, Hi-Viz, red dot, scope etc? Also, if I ever wanted to enter a shooting competition would my preferred setup prohibit me from entering?
I guess ultimately whatever make me more accurate is what counts but I want to get some opinions from y'all that have been shooting much longer and have more experience than I do.