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Crossman GI 1911 BB Pistol

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  • Crossman GI 1911 BB Pistol

    Thought I'd post up a couple of pics of my recent target practice with the Crossman GI 1911 BB Pistol. I bought the thing back in May, shot it once and packed it away because I just got busy over the summer and honestly forgot about it. So, it's been months since I've shot anything and the other night I pulled it out and went to the basement. Man I'm rusty!! There's no pics of that target practice, lol! Then the other day I saw a post USMC referenced (I think Clarence originally posted it) about trigger control and taking a long time to pull the trigger. Basically challenging yourself to see how long you can take to pull it. That and I saw a post about finger placement on the trigger on FB (don't remember who). Armed with that knowledge and some more BB's I tried again last night. slowing down the trigger pull time seemed to help but my shots were going off to the right even though I swear my sight picture was dead on. Then I changed the position of my finger on the trigger and combined that with a slow pull. Amazing results! Much more accurate!

    As for the gun itself, it's really growing on me! It's all metal construction so it feels more like the real thing than a BB gun. Also, it has a blowback feature which provides a bit of recoil when firing. Not bad for $70 by any means! It also gets quite a bit from one CO2 cartridge. I get around 100 rounds from one cartridge. It also seems to retain a quite high FPS for CO2 blowback pistols. The review on Pyramid Air shows about 400 FPS but I did find one review where the guy was consistently getting 425-430 FPS until the cartridge started to run low but in his test it never went below 390 FPS. Here's a link to the gun if anyone's interested.

    Also, here's the link to the other review with the high FPS.

    Now for the photos! I ran out of paper targets so just strung up a few old beer cans (which is more fun to shoot IMO) and this is the result of about 50 rounds at 10 yards. I entertained the thought of trying to saw the can in two but it was getting late, lol! I'm by no means a sharp shooter but I think this is pretty good for being out of practice and using a BB gun with no rifling in the barrel.

    What say you Avid Arms?


    Front of the can.


    Back of the can.
    I could be's happened before and it'll happen again.

  • #2
    Nice BB gun 🔫
    Cans have a much more satisfying plink than paper any day.

    I love plinking with my Walther Lever Action dual CO2 pellet rifle. I've even taken it to the club's indoor range. Thought it would be weird until guys started asking about it. LOL


    • #3
      I never realized they made .50 cal pellets now! The Crossman is a nice plinking pistol that I'm really enjoying! Good thing I have a lot of CO2 cartridges and BB's, lol!
      I could be's happened before and it'll happen again.

