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Cleaning after a range day

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  • Cleaning after a range day

    Taking USMCs challenge/idea of a firearm related something content lol.

    So boys n girls, maybe some ideas on how to and what you like to use to scrub up your babies..

    1st off, i'm the kinda guy who cleans everything soon as i return from a range or even if i just shot couple magazines in a State forest..i put my little spare kitchen table underneath 4 bright flourescent lights in the basement so i have good airflow and it doesn't reek up my house. I pretty much clean in order i shot lol hanguns first then longs then shotties, probably the self diagnosed OCD in me lol. Yes as GS pointed out in a prior pic, i use thin cheap rubber gloves too. I stay old school with Hoppes 9 and Hoppes oil too, it's just what ive been using for the past 20 years and still have no rust and no issues, so i stay with it. I also don't use a snake, i #9 everything then get in all the nooks and crannys with the nylon and reg stiff it sits for a tad i do another..i do the basic bore cleaning til patches are white again..then all excess is wiped off and on to the oil..i oil almost everywhere and everything, then i gently dab off the outer parts so it's not such a stinky, wet gun that goes into my night stand or holster the next morning. I do give a slight drop or two into all my magazine springs and work it in by pushing the spring down to max then up and down again to keep them in tip top shape. All in all it's usually a 2 or more hour process with 6 to 8 or so firearms that i regulary bring.

    What might be some of your guys ways to share??

  • #2
    I do about the same cleaning with Hoppes but only do my .22 barrels when the groups start getting bigger and then it's just a bore snake. Lube with CLP for the ones that like to run dry and Mobil 1 mixture for the ones that like it wet.
    I bought my sons out of state.


    • #3
      Ballistol, 'nuff said.
      Beer is like porn, you can buy it but it's more fun to make your own

      I have to bend over too far

      I get a boner.

      bareback every couple of days, GTG. Bareback, brokeback, same $hit!

      I joined a support group to help me deal with my social anxiety but I just can't seem to work up the nerve to go to a meeting......


      • #4
        Originally posted by thughes View Post
        Ballistol, 'nuff said.
        Ditto that. I've always been a huge Ballistol fan. I use it to clean and lube everything.

        Anything that ever gets rounds through it gets a cleaning at some point before being put away.
        Sticky Lips at High Noon!


        • #5
          Nice post 4eX!! I pretty much do the same with most of my firearms as do you. My only exception which may sound odd to some is my Ruger 77/22 when I am shooting it a lot or in the benchrest league is that it shoots better when it is somewhat dirty as do a lot of 22 rimfires, When the accuracy starts to fall off I then clean and start all over again!
          NRA Life Member,NRA Instructor(Rifle/Pistol)RSO
          SCOPE Member
          Member Sara Spa Rod&Gun Club,Pine Tree Rifle Club

          Working on another 2 month WIN!! Got 3 now trying for 4!!


          • #6
            I'm seeing how long my G19 and PPS can go without cleaning them. My R1911 too.


            • #7
              After I cover mine in solvent and scrub and everything I take it to the sink and rinse it under hot water and rub it with fingers to get all that oil off. I then air dry it (would use air compressor if I had one). From there I wipe it all down with silicone rag and assemble the pistol back together not touching it with my fingers.

              Oh and when drying it I use q-tips to get into those hard to reach places.
     I'm STIHL out of conditioner!!
              Finally joined the ranks of broke homeowner
              Am I short stroking or going to fast?

              I know he has a bush


              • #8
                Anyone ever use Simple Green I've been hearing that it lifts carbon really good? It can't hurt anything that's for sure!
                NRA Life Member,NRA Instructor(Rifle/Pistol)RSO
                SCOPE Member
                Member Sara Spa Rod&Gun Club,Pine Tree Rifle Club

                Working on another 2 month WIN!! Got 3 now trying for 4!!


                • #9
                  About a year and a half ago I started using Frog Lube. I was a 30 year Hoppes #9 devotee, but that changed when I tried the FL a couple of times. Great stuff.

