Figure we could talk about elements that make up a good shooting position.
There is so much information on this topic that it would be tough to cover every stance / position but we can easily talk about some of the different elements that goes into a good one.
The purpose of a shooting stance or position is to allow you to get into a comfortable and repeatable position. This is important to aid in accuracy (stable platform for firearm) and also a good position will aid in shooting endurance.
So how do we accomplish this? Its pretty simple when you incorporate 3 things...... Bone Support, Muscular Relaxation, and Natural Point of Aim.
Bone Support:
Basically if possible you want to use your bones to support a firearm. For example if your shooting in prone position your elbows are making contact with the ground supporting the rifle and your not relying on muscle strength to hold it up. If your in the sitting position placing your elbows on the inside of knees provides stable support as well as you can see in photo below. So ideally when you can get yourself into a comfortable repeatable position using your bones for support your going to make shooting a whole lot easier.
Muscular Relaxation:
Muscular Relaxation is exactly what it sounds like. Getting into a position utilizing good bone support or another support system other then your muscle strength will aid in your accuracy shooting endurance. Think about it, if you have to hold something out in front of you for a long period of time what happens? First your arms start to shake (not conducive to shooting) then if you fight it you will notice that you will probably bring your elbows in to try and get extra support from chest/stomach area. So having good support allows you too have muscle relaxation which minimizes shake allowing you to hold the sites on your target easier and longer enabling you to have better accuracy.
Natural Point of Aim:
Naturally Point of Aim is basically getting yourself into a shooting position where your sites naturally fall on your target. I talked about it more in this thread HERE.
Now that I have covered some of the basic elements you can see why they are important. Bone support (or other support like a tree, rock, bipod, ect) allows you to hold your firearm for a longer period of time by allowing you to have muscle relaxation which aids in being able to hold firearm steady while aiming so you can hit your target more accurately. Natural Point of Aim is really a result of good support and getting your self into the right position by making small tweaks so your naturally aiming at target which further aids in muscle relaxation to make your shots more accurate and allow you to not get as tired so you can fire longer and maintain good accuracy.
Hope I didn't miss anything and look forward to hearing what everyone else thinks.
There is so much information on this topic that it would be tough to cover every stance / position but we can easily talk about some of the different elements that goes into a good one.
The purpose of a shooting stance or position is to allow you to get into a comfortable and repeatable position. This is important to aid in accuracy (stable platform for firearm) and also a good position will aid in shooting endurance.
So how do we accomplish this? Its pretty simple when you incorporate 3 things...... Bone Support, Muscular Relaxation, and Natural Point of Aim.
Bone Support:
Basically if possible you want to use your bones to support a firearm. For example if your shooting in prone position your elbows are making contact with the ground supporting the rifle and your not relying on muscle strength to hold it up. If your in the sitting position placing your elbows on the inside of knees provides stable support as well as you can see in photo below. So ideally when you can get yourself into a comfortable repeatable position using your bones for support your going to make shooting a whole lot easier.
Muscular Relaxation:
Muscular Relaxation is exactly what it sounds like. Getting into a position utilizing good bone support or another support system other then your muscle strength will aid in your accuracy shooting endurance. Think about it, if you have to hold something out in front of you for a long period of time what happens? First your arms start to shake (not conducive to shooting) then if you fight it you will notice that you will probably bring your elbows in to try and get extra support from chest/stomach area. So having good support allows you too have muscle relaxation which minimizes shake allowing you to hold the sites on your target easier and longer enabling you to have better accuracy.
Natural Point of Aim:
Naturally Point of Aim is basically getting yourself into a shooting position where your sites naturally fall on your target. I talked about it more in this thread HERE.
Now that I have covered some of the basic elements you can see why they are important. Bone support (or other support like a tree, rock, bipod, ect) allows you to hold your firearm for a longer period of time by allowing you to have muscle relaxation which aids in being able to hold firearm steady while aiming so you can hit your target more accurately. Natural Point of Aim is really a result of good support and getting your self into the right position by making small tweaks so your naturally aiming at target which further aids in muscle relaxation to make your shots more accurate and allow you to not get as tired so you can fire longer and maintain good accuracy.
Hope I didn't miss anything and look forward to hearing what everyone else thinks.