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AR Dust Cover Inscription Bad Idea?

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  • AR Dust Cover Inscription Bad Idea?

    It looks like prosecutors are going to make the case that the officer's "Fou're Yucked" dust cover inscription indicates malicious intent.

    “That statement tells me this is a person who’s enthusiastic about killing people,” Marc Victor, a lawyer representing Sweet claims. “That’s what that inscription means.”
    This reminds me of the photos from a Rochester SWAT team wearing Punisher logos on their uniforms a while back. Many people commented about such logos being militaristic and inappropriate for a domestic police force. No idea if it's a stretch to say it's roughly equivalent to the engraved dust cover.
    NRA Life Member
    NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

    I was thinking of his cannon.

  • #2
    If you're prosecuted for using your gun they are going to go after everything possible. I won't carry a modified gun (e.g., I put a new trigger in a Ruger LC9 because the factory trigger sucked) or use anything but factory defensive rounds in a gun I'm carrying for self defense. Something tells me I'd have more to worry about than what was on the dust cover if I found myself in court for something involving an AR15 though, LOL...


    • #3
      Originally posted by Cgrutt View Post
      If you're prosecuted for using your gun they are going to go after everything possible.
      We got talking about this a bit at last Friday's lunch. Thug and POP were matter-of-factly pointing out how even under the most perfectly justifiable of situations, if you shoot at someone within the borders of New Yorkistan fou're yucked. Even if you don't hit the person! At the last SCOPE meeting a local attorney recounted the story of a client who witnessed two men stabbing someone and fired a warning shot to save the victim's life. The attackers flee. The cops show up and focus their attention on the gun owner who would have been legally justified shooting and killing the attackers. POP hopes to escape New Yorkistan because our laws are so ridiculous.

      Perhaps that could be the defense attorney's argument; the dust cover inscription was actually a reminder to the gun owner, not a warning to the person on the downrange end of things.
      Last edited by WARFAB; 03-20-2017, 04:44 PM.
      NRA Life Member
      NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

      I was thinking of his cannon.


      • #4
        Or ammo for defense attorney, "prosecution clearly has no case they're grasping at straws..."


        • #5
          Link gave me virus warning.
          Athiest. Because... science


          • #6
            Eddie Gunks (Bullet Guy) gave me a nice dust cover:

            Beer is like porn, you can buy it but it's more fun to make your own

            I have to bend over too far

            I get a boner.

            bareback every couple of days, GTG. Bareback, brokeback, same $hit!

            I joined a support group to help me deal with my social anxiety but I just can't seem to work up the nerve to go to a meeting......


            • #7
              Marc Victor is a premium Attorney .. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ... !!
              sic semper boogaloo


              • #8
                Originally posted by thughes View Post
                Eddie Gunks (Bullet Guy) gave me a nice dust cover:

                My MSR wears the same dust cover.
                I'm no proctologist, but I know an azzhole when I see one!!


                • #9
                  This is mine

                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by camper4lyfe; 03-21-2017, 09:16 AM.
                  Old enough to know better, still too young to care


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by camper4lyfe View Post
                    This is mine
                    Clearly you're a hardened killer.
                    NRA Life Member
                    NRA Basic Rifle Instructor

                    I was thinking of his cannon.

