tl:drr version: KY cops are cool as fuk!
So, I'm in KY this weekend. On the way to my property earlier this evening I noticed the portable floodlights and DWI trailer being set up on the only road between the hotel I'm staying at and my property back in the hills. I hit my property, had a couple beers with the neighbors (cognizant of the impending checkpoint) and then headed into town to visit my uncle for a bit. Had another beer with him for a total of 3 beers over the course of 3 hours. Heading back to the hotel I hit the dreaded checkpoint. There are 2 lines of traffic: the "wave through" and the "have a chat with the officers". Guess which line my NY plates got me sent to?
cop: "License and proof of insurance please".
me: "License is in my wallet in my pocket, I'm going to reach for that now officer" (hands cop my license), insurance card is in center console along with my legally owned would you like to proceed officer?"
cop: "I appreciate the heads up, if you're OK with it I will walk over to the passenger side, reach in, open console, and remove pistol and place it on the roof for the duration of our conversation. Understand I'm not taking it, just removing it from the equation."
I don't like cop in my vehicle but everybody is being cool and I have a good vibe about this so I unlock passenger door, he walks around, reaches in, opens console, takes holstered gun, places on roof, and closes door (which I immediately lock again). I get card out of console but the most recent one expired end of June (grrrr). I tell cop I can log into geico app and show him valid card. He tells me to pull up off the shoulder and he will walk my gun up to me and meet me there while I pull up card on my phone app.
I CANNOT for the life of me remember my f_ing password for insurance app! As I fumble through several tries, cop is like: " NY, huh? I didn't think they let you have a pistol there". I told him of the 13 month process I went through to get my permit. He says: "Well, you're in KY and we're pistol friendly here" . After several unsuccessful attempts to log into my insurance app (see PS below), cop says: "Hey, don't worry about it. Here's your pistol (unloaded and slide locked open), "here's your magazine", "here's your holster", "and here's the round that was in the chamber". "Be careful and have a nice night sir".
PS: After I get back to my room and relax a bit, realize that the Geico app would not log me in because I cancelled them several months ago and now have Esurance. I checked the Esurance app and it took me 10 seconds to log in and pull up a valid image of my insurance card.
Shout out to the professional treatment I was given by both the Anderson County, KY Sherriff's department and the KY State Trooper. Class act from everybody I interacted with. Can't wait to move here!
So, I'm in KY this weekend. On the way to my property earlier this evening I noticed the portable floodlights and DWI trailer being set up on the only road between the hotel I'm staying at and my property back in the hills. I hit my property, had a couple beers with the neighbors (cognizant of the impending checkpoint) and then headed into town to visit my uncle for a bit. Had another beer with him for a total of 3 beers over the course of 3 hours. Heading back to the hotel I hit the dreaded checkpoint. There are 2 lines of traffic: the "wave through" and the "have a chat with the officers". Guess which line my NY plates got me sent to?
cop: "License and proof of insurance please".
me: "License is in my wallet in my pocket, I'm going to reach for that now officer" (hands cop my license), insurance card is in center console along with my legally owned would you like to proceed officer?"
cop: "I appreciate the heads up, if you're OK with it I will walk over to the passenger side, reach in, open console, and remove pistol and place it on the roof for the duration of our conversation. Understand I'm not taking it, just removing it from the equation."
I don't like cop in my vehicle but everybody is being cool and I have a good vibe about this so I unlock passenger door, he walks around, reaches in, opens console, takes holstered gun, places on roof, and closes door (which I immediately lock again). I get card out of console but the most recent one expired end of June (grrrr). I tell cop I can log into geico app and show him valid card. He tells me to pull up off the shoulder and he will walk my gun up to me and meet me there while I pull up card on my phone app.
I CANNOT for the life of me remember my f_ing password for insurance app! As I fumble through several tries, cop is like: " NY, huh? I didn't think they let you have a pistol there". I told him of the 13 month process I went through to get my permit. He says: "Well, you're in KY and we're pistol friendly here" . After several unsuccessful attempts to log into my insurance app (see PS below), cop says: "Hey, don't worry about it. Here's your pistol (unloaded and slide locked open), "here's your magazine", "here's your holster", "and here's the round that was in the chamber". "Be careful and have a nice night sir".
PS: After I get back to my room and relax a bit, realize that the Geico app would not log me in because I cancelled them several months ago and now have Esurance. I checked the Esurance app and it took me 10 seconds to log in and pull up a valid image of my insurance card.

Shout out to the professional treatment I was given by both the Anderson County, KY Sherriff's department and the KY State Trooper. Class act from everybody I interacted with. Can't wait to move here!